18. Perfectly Awkward

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[ M a c y ' s P O V ]

It was another meeting with the group as I try to not hate every moment of it . Will is sitting next to me and I'm so grateful that he is , because he's the one that can keep me entertain through his laugh and jokes . If Will isn't here than I'm pretty sure I'll be bored as hell .

Brooklyn isn't here yet and the leader told us that he got to do something and he has been excused , but he'll be here too even tho he'll be late .

and saying it like that make me realize that once again I care too much about him , even on a not so important thing .

I honestly want him here because that way I can see him and admire his beauty even tho it's just from far away but it's sure feels great . God why you gotta make such a perfect human being as him . and just to make it worse you make him so untouchable for me , that even looking at him from distance will make me want to smile and cry at the same time .

"Okay we'll start by folding up this thing." Nadine the leader said as she points through several boxes of what seems like paper box for foods and tissue . Oh great we'll be folding those box and I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of it that we need to fold .

"We'll be making paper box up to one thousands so we'll never run out of it just in case it's not enough because we have to make different box for popcorn and pretzel."

The Fuck ?! one thousands ? like seriously how long will it take tho . and also one thousands boxes mean one thousand folded paper tissue ? and then after finish with this we'll have to take care of the plastic cups for drinks isn't ? Oh kill me now.

"There are total 20 students of us so let's divide into five groups and one group have to fold until 200." Nadine said and as soon as she said it people start to talk to their friends as I just look around no one really ask me to join and perhaps because I was actually sitting in the back row where there's just me and Will .

"Looks like you're with me Macy." Will said as he laugh and fixing his hair , we're the only one sitting in the back so no one really ask us to join them , but a few girls are actually staring at Will probably wondering if he'll join them . He got the look so I'm not surprise if a lot of girls in this room want to be a team with him .

And as I just talk about it , finally a girl dare to walk to us and ask Will .

"Umm Will ? Are you alone ? You can join me , Sarah , and Jack . We need one more people." A girl cutely asked in front of Will as I didn't recognize who she is but it seems like Will knows her too .

"Sorry Lana , but I'm with Macy."Will said as the girl turn to look at me , she looks quite pissed because she just got rejected and that's because of me . But she smiled at Will and go back to her friends .

actually , somehow it makes me blush a litlle .

"We still need two more people."Will said to me as he wonder around the room . Honestly what he did back then was really sweet , and as much as I don't want to admit it but I'm actually touched by it .

"Nadine , we're only two."Will raised his hand and shout to Nadine as everyone's attention basically turn to us . If it's me a few months ago I'll pretty much smile confidently and look at everyone in the room as they stare at me .

But God knows how I've changed , and if I got this much attention then I really just want to hide and all I do is just looking to the ground not really wanting to face people .

And that's literally all I do right now .

"Oh yeah two people isn't here yet so I guess they'll be in your group once they're here." Nadine said as she took a few papers that seems to be the present list and a pen .

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