7.His Walls

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[ M a c y ' s  P O V ]

Nikki , Nikki Stanner .

The name is spinning round around my head for like the thousands time today . I'm currently sitting in math class right now and all I can think about is Brooklyn and Nikki .

Who is Nikki ? Why they seems so close yesterday ?

The pang of jealousy definitely can't go away from me and to make it worse I actually can't stop thinking of them for just a second . They keep coming back to my mouth especiallu the picture of them laughing at each other as they stare in to each others eyes .

This is literally the worst scenario to happen right now , I just got my courage to actually fix everything with him and make it all fine like we used to . But having a girl that he probably is in love with , is definitely a bad idea .

Now I'm questioning everything and this is make me so frustrated , why does it has to be so complicated .

Macy Pieterse if you didn't do what you did before , this wouldn't even happen . You made this whole mess , you're in charge of the pain you feel right now .

I walked out of the class with the rest of the kids still with the same blank expression on my face . I walked to the place where I usually meet Maddie and Gianna after class so we can have lunch together .

I didn't even pay attention to my surrounding because there's so many kids in the hallway right now and god knows why I'm so not in the mood .

But that brunette quiffed hair lock is enough to draw my attention and also his height is very helping to make him stick out from the crowd . He was leaning against the wall with eyes on his phone as he seems to be scrolling down to something from his phone .

Should I go over and talk to him ?

But how if he hates me even more because he thinks I'm annoying . Yap I should probably just keep my space for right now .

But still ... I really want to talk to him . And beside we can not know if we didn't try right ?

Decisions , decisions ugh ...

Not even sure with myself I freaked out as I took a step by step to the place where he's standing . I'm not sure but I guess my body made the choice .

Ugh , breath Macy breath .

You talked to him everyday before so talking to him now can't be harder than math problems right ?

"Um hi Brooklyn." I said awkwardly as I stood in front of him , I can feel the beats of my heart getting louder as if it was going to popped out any seconds . He glance from his phone as his eyes locked in mine .

He didn't show any smile so it's kinda awkward when I smile to him . He didn't even return a smile from me .

"Um hi ?" He said even tho it came out more like a question , he's probably didn't want to talk to me . But I have to make him come back like his old self . This is my turn .

"Why is that came out like a question ?" I said chuckling as I look down a little because he definitely making me feel so unwanted here . I took a deep breath as I waited for him to response with something .

He seems so careful these days like he would think of every word that he was going to say to me . Like he would considering every word he was going to use talking to me , like I'm some kind of unnatural creature .

"Well , I didn't know what do you want so yeah." He said shrugging like saying 'hi' isn't something that usually happens to him . This is just harder than I thought , his wall is definitely much more higher this time , impossible to reach .

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