16. Matter or Not

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[ M a c y ' s  P O V ]

The next day everyone seems to be talking about the festival and we already been told about what our jobs are . I didn't participate to be one of the performers of course .

So as usually I get the food department . Basically what we do is provide snacks for the festival . Well that's going to be great .

Gianna choosed as the team leader of our grade so obviously she'll be very busy , but she loves things like this anyway .

"Food department ?" Maddie laughed as I rolled my eyes at her , of course from the three of us I have to be the useless one . Maddie is part of the drama club so she'll be performing . While I stuck in the food department .

"This is still better than the decoration department tho , I'm so not into being busy." I said defending myself , as she just laugh at me .

"Macy Pieterse , right ?" A girl who wear glasses with a short jet black hair question me as I nod and smile at her . She smiled back and hand me a paper ."I'll be the leader of the food department and here is the list of the students that are in the same department."

I mouthed her a thank you as she went to another kid , obviously she has a busy day . I eyed the paper looking for my grade .

And there's like only seven people from my class ? Ugh .

Nicole Palm , um I didn't know her .
Josie Frisk , I don't think I have ever heard of the name .
Nick Gillinsky , Finally someone I recognized .

Brooklyn Beckham .

What ?! There's Brooklyn in the same department as me ? Which means I have to be working with him ?

Nikki remember Nikki .

Ugh .

How could I be able to look at him without having the urge to burst into tears .

I was too deep in my thought as the paper fell into the ground when someone accidentally nudge my arm .

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there." The boy took my paper from the floor as he hand me back to me . It seems that he saw the letter of food department which is basically printed on top of the paper .

"Hey you're in the food department ?" He asks as I nod and said yes to him . "Well me too , I'm Will by the way Will Adams."

He sweetly smile at me as I gladly return the smile to him .

"I'm Macy Pieterse , it's nice to meet you Will." I muttered as I eyed his appearance . He's good looking and I think I have saw him a few times at school , he has a dirty blonde hair which is styled in a quiff and it's very attractive if you asked me .

And of course just to make it more perfect his dirty blonde hair match perfectly with his dreamy blue eyes . And that smile .

God stop staring Macy . I'm probably making him uncomfortable if he catch me quietly checking him out like this .

"And it's really nice to meet you too Macy , I guess I'll see you around ? Well since we're in the same section." He said and chuckled at the end of his sentence .

"Yeah." I said giggling as we said some 'bye' and he finally took off leaving me and Maddie .

"He's super cute Mace." Maddie said dreamily as I laugh at her . He is but what's the point , he's not Brooklyn . I thought to myself .

"You can try to hit on him if you're interested." I said shrugging as Maddie made a sounds which is like snorting to me .

"Nah thanks , he's definitely into you." She said chuckling as I shake my head towards her . Whatever it is I'm clearly not interested if it's not Brooklyn .

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