14.A cousin of mine

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[ B r o o k l y n ' s  P O V ]

What did I just do ?

Did I just tell her that Nikki is my girlfriend ?

Damn it Brooklyn . Why would you lied to her ?

Nikki is not my girlfriend . Heck , she's my cousin . Why the hell did I just tell her she's my girlfriend .

"Nikki I need to tell you something." I said as I arrived in my house after my talking session with Macy in the cafe . Honestly Nikki did not asked me to do anything for her , it was my lie to Macy . Just because I can't stand being with her any longer .

"Wow you're really here Brook. I told you not to leave her." Nikki said rolling her eyes , yes she knew everything about Macy and I .in fact she was the one who helped me alot getting through my miserable self phase when I was in New York . And she hates my idea about trying to not care about Macy's existence , even tho I really have my own reason of that and she just never seems to get it at all .

"I had to Nik , I didn't want to start anything you know I have to keep a distance from her." I explained for like maybe the thousands time to her , I don't know why but she just never get it the way I do .

"You always said that Brooklyn, and you know it does not makes sense at all." She said rolling her eyes once again as I took a seat beside her on the couch . I love her as a cousin but she's really annoying sometimes .

"It is for me , you just wouldn't get it." I said as I remembered I haven't told her about that thing . "And anyway there's something I have to tell you."

"Yeah what is it ?" Nikki said as she looks at me and her expression changed as soon as she saw my nervous look . She'll gets mad at me , I told Macy that she's my girlfriend when she clearly not . She's my cousin duh .

Practically I just dragged her deeper into my problem with Macy , when obviously she has nothing to do with us .

She'll hate me alot .

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this ?" She said sending me a terrified look on her face , and I was trying to think on how could I say it nicely . She'll so getting mad at me .

"Umm well- don't get mad at me but I kinda- umm told Macy that-" i said as I try to let every words out from my mouth . " that you're my girlfriend Nikki."

She didn't say anything at all as she still looking at me furiously , and honestly it makes me feel more guilty to her . I didn't ask her if she agrees , and I drag her into my problem ignoring her rights to agree or not .

"Nik , don't be mad." I plead at her hoping that she won't get mad at me . But she shot me a death glare instead as she continues with rolling her eyes at me .

"Don't you dare Nik me Brooklyn." She said air quoting the word 'Nik' , as all I can do is send her a begging look . "Why would you tell her that ? You lied to her."

"So that she finally can leave me alone . You know how I can't handle it when it comes to her , especially when she tries everything just to get me back . I can't." I said frustrated . Nikki will never get this no matter how many times I explained to her about this .

"If you can't handle her like that , that means you can't resist her . Which means you still love her . Seriously how blind are you ?" She said as I stand up from the couch this time . I'm done if she wants to tell me about this all over again .

Seriously I don't need a reminder of how much I love Macy . That just makes it worst .

I'm trying to get over her .

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