9. Lil' Bit of Hate

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[ M a c y ' s  P O V ]

"Pardon ?" Brooklyn said as he look straight in to me I was about to repeat the damn question when Alec came all of sudden .

"Tristan texted me that- uhh sorry did I interrupt something ?" Alec stopped on his spot with his phone in his hand as he saw that Brooklyn and I kinda stared into each other eyes and he must be assuming that something happened .

Uh duh Alec , you definitely did not ruin anything .

"Uhh no you didn't , what did you say again ?" Brooklyn said and for a second I thought the question was for me until I realized that he was clearly looking at Alec . Damn Alec you just ruined my chance to know if Nikki is Brooklyn's girlfriend or not .

Ughhh Alec .

"Uhh- Tristan just texted me that he's on his way and that he's sorry that he's late." Alec said as he make his way to the chouch sitting and playing with his phone . I probably should just go home now . I have no reason to stay here anyway .

-- -- --

I'm still can't get over that I actually asked Brooklyn about Nikki being his girlfriend . That makes me sounds so desperate as fuck and the worst part of it is that I didn't even get an answer .

Fuck my life .

I'm currently sitting on the cafetaria area reading a book and with my earphone on , I'm so not in the mood today . I haven't seen Maddie and Gianna today but I guess it's better because if they're here right now I'm pretty sure they'll be asking million questions about why do I look like I could fall asleep any moment right now .

"Hey." Someone tap me from my back as I unplug my earphone and pressed the stop button on it . I turn to see who it was only to see a boy that I'm still annoyed , Alec .

"Hey Alec." I said smiling back at him , but of course it's not like it was his fault because he didn't mean to , and he probably didn't even know what he had done .

"So about yesterday." He started as he sat next to me "I know about the things between you and Brooklyn and I honestly think that he still has feeling for you or else he won't be like that."

I blink a few times to proccess what Alec just said to me . That's just impossible .

"He hates me after what I did, I'm sure of it." I said chuckling a bit , I don't see how can he say that Brooklyn still got feeling for me because for me it's so obvious that he isn't .

"I can see that, but you know what." He said and smile at me I think he was smiling on what he was going to say . "Sometimes it gets a bit of love and hate."

He said winking at me teasing me about it . I want him back of course , but now that Nikki's here and I'm doubting everything . I don't want to be the reason that someone break up , I can't do it .

"Alec, it doesn't seems like it." I said laughing as Alec just shrug . I could tell that he's a really good friend .

"Anyway you and Gianna , you two are very close right?" Alec said as I nod at him , I don't know where's this going but I think I can trust Alec .

"Yeah almost like a sister."

"So is she like- uh interested in boys ?" Alec ask as his eyes wander through the room and his finger tap furiously on tge table , I guess it's something that he did if he's nervous .

"Alec , are you asking me if Gianna straight or gay ?" I said my eyes widen at him as I was almost burst laughing , I'm pretty sure she's straight since she drools over dylan o'brien like almost everyday and many other boys .

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