13. Shattered

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[ M a c y ' s  P O V ]

Seconds after seconds , minutes after minutes . I'm sitting in a cafe all alone waiting for Brooklyn to come . I texted him to meet me in the cafe near our school just because I thought this will be hundred percent better than talking with him in a parking lot .

I checked my phone and saw that it's been twenty minutes since I got here . I'm probably the one who got here too early , I mwan clearly he texted me saying that he's going to be fifteen minutes late because he had to do something first .

But of course being too unpatient about meeting Brooklyn , I went to the cafe straight away which resulted me into waiting alone like an idiot for aproximately 20 minutes .

I was just sitting here all alone not even ordering anything just because I don't want him to know that I've been waiting so long in here . So it's better if we order together .

Beside , I also brought a boxed orange juice that we used to drink regularly . In purpose to somehow reminded him about us .

"Excuse me miss , are you ready to order ?" A waitress kindly ask me for the second time probably getting confuse on why I'm not having anything .

"Oh not yet , I'm waiting for someone . We'll order together." I said as polite as possible because I don't want to make her upset since hee face shows how tired she is . Or maybe she's just always grumpy looking , she looks so uninterested .

"I'm here." A voice that I know so well said as the figure took a seat in front of me . Brooklyn is finally here , and here we go to my unnatural beats of heart .

"Okay so I suppose you both ready to order ?" The waitress ask as she stare at Brooklyn , definitely checking him out . I can't blame her , he's a really good looking lad .

"Yeah." Brooklyn muttered simply as he read the menu . The waitress looks somehow more interested , as Brooklyn's presence slightly lighten up her mood . I guess she was just uninterested on serving me because she's a straight lady and I'm nothing more than just a girl .

While Brooklyn is definitely more than just a guy especially with that look . I couldn't blame her .

"I'll have one plate of waffles and a glass of lemon tea." Brooklyn ordered as I realized that I haven't even read the menu as I was busy with my thought .

"I'll have one plate of waffles too." I muttered to the waitress just because I don't want to read the menu , I was too distracted .

"No drink ?" The waitress asked as she wrote down our foods on her tray . I shake my head gesturing at my boxed orange juice to let her know that I have a drink .

I look up to Brooklyn as he stare at my drink , I guess he realized it wasn't just any boxed drink . It was our thing .

"Anything else ?" The waitress asked bringing our thoughts back to the situation . Brooklyn glanced away as a little smile play on my mouth , at least the juice still got his attention . He remembered .

"Nope." I said as I looked to Brooklyn whom then muttered 'no' to the waitress . Then the waitress repeat our order and leave us for good .

"So ?" Brooklyn raised his eyebrow questioning as I started to get nervous all over again . He stare at me but his stare was cold and undescribeable so it's hard to understand him .

"Hear Brooklyn." I started as I try to swallow the glump that I feel on my throat that seems to preventing me from talking . "I realized that I can't change what you thought about me."

He look to me as what I said definitely caught his attention , he didn't say anything which is good so I can continue .

"So I realized that it's useless that I try to explain things to you , because no matter what I'll always be that horrible girl in the past for you."

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