Chapter 1: Pax Renmir

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***3rd POV***

As soon as the heroes battled Ragnarok, they have finally achieved victory on defeating the said demon. Right now, the injured demon was on his knees, panting out of exhaustion."Me? Defeated? By some low life MORTALS!?" He said, enraged.
The leader of the group of heroes then spoke "Give up Ragnarok, you have no where to run, no where to hide. And we've come here to seal you away."

The demon fell silent, he slowly started to let out a small chuckle which slowly turned into demonic laughter "Hahahaha.....Really now? Even though you pathetic heroes may manage to seal my powers away, my essence will still be in this land. Not only that, I've also placed several portals which will summon my minions. So, even if you manage to seal me, my minions will still cause ravage and mayhem to the lands of Renmir and swipe away that retched crystal from your hands and break the seal!. He started to laugh again after he spoke.

"We just have to safe-keep it then, and make sure to lock it someplace that will be heavily guarded at all times." The leader retorted. He then had enough of the demon's words and began to point the Andromada crystal towards the demon. The crystal then began to shine a bright light, hitting Ragnarok.

The demon can feel his powers slowly draining away and his form starting to fade. He then spoke his last words "I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE, AND WHEN THAT TIME COMES....NO ONE'S GOING TO STOP ME......." After his last words, his powers have been fully sealed away into the crystal. The heroes then cheered and began their journey back to return the crystal to the elders so the crystal may be kept safely.

~~Timeskip for about 100 years cuz I say so .3.~~

*** ??? POV ***

I walked through the evergreen forest, trying to find something to eat. I then spotted a shrub full of berries and hurried towards it. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Well, my name is Frost Nightgale, I'm a wolf with black fur and a turquoise tipped fur and underbelly. My height is 5'7, I have a slim build and I have purple eyes. I'm a mage who's specialized in ice magic and I'm going on an adventure to train my magic skills and help the people who are in need along the way. Aaaaannddd...I'm gay. I came out a few years ago and my family was open enough to accept me, which I'm very grateful for.

Continuing on, as I was picking the berries and storing them into my satchel, I suddenly heard the bushes in front of me. I got up and went into a defensive stance and readied my wand. The rustling bushes began to stop, I'm still waiting on what's going to appear. Suddenly a wild minotaur sprung from the bushes and began to roar, probably I was on its territory. I didn't move from my position and smirked at the beast. It began to approach me at full speed and lifted both of its arms to smash me. I instantly evaded as soon as it swing its arms. I wave my wand and large rocks of ice started to form. I swish my wand toward the direction of the minotaur and the ice rocks began to pelt the beast. It puts both of its arms to block the rocks. While it was occupied with the barrage of ice, I point my wand on the ground where the minotaur was and a glyph started to form. The beast instantly looked down and the that's when I lifted the wand. The instant I lifted my wand, a giant ice fist formed an uppercuts the minotaur. The beast was knocked back to the ground and shake his head to stop the dizziness. Once it had gotten up, he began to kick dirt and charged at me with full force. I readied my wand again and cast a spell on the ground which formed another glyph . When the minotaur was near enough, I cast the spell and a pillar of ice formed, lifting me up from the ground while the minotaur crashed into it. Even though the force of the charge was strong enough to break the pillar, I managed to jump off and land on my two feet. I didn't waste a second and cast the ice blast spell at the beast. The spell hits its arm and the entire arm was completely frozen. The minotaur looked at its frozen arm and shot a glare at me. It then smash the ground with its frozen arm, causing the ice to smashed into pieces. It again let out a roar and charge at me. I again readied a spell with my wand to fend off the beast. When the minotaur was inches away from me, before I could cast a spell, a shadowy figure began to intervened between me and the beast and a flash of blinding light suddenly came out of nowhere. I involuntarily shut my eyes to protect my sight from the bright light. I could hear the sound of a dieing cow, which is most likely the minotaur.

After the white light started to fade, I slowly open my eyes and I could see the shadowy figure was none other than my twin brother, Diamond Nightgale. He was also a wolf standing 6'0 tall. He has a fit build. His fur color is also black but the tip of his tail and his underbelly is the color of mint green with silver eyes. He was a duelist, capable of wielding the rapier like a pro. He's element is light, and he's very and I mean very fast. One second he's there, and in the blink of and eye he's not. But even though we were the same age and we almost look identical, he's my adoptive twin, I know...shocker.

After he killed the minotaur, the body of the beast glowed and a green orb with a light green wisp slowly rose from it's body. (Kinda like the souls from Soul Eater). This orb thingy is what we call an essence. Essence are like the spiritual energy that surrounds us. All creatures of Remnir have essence be it Anthros or demons. Speaking of which, essence are the spiritual energy that covers us and acts like an invisible shield to protect us from real damage that could possibly kill us. But, if said essence has been depleted, any form if damage could harm us.(Inspiration from RWBY X3) When a creature is killed, their bodies will materialize an essence orb. And no, you can't​ put back said orb into the owner's body. The orbs could be used as ingredients for crafting potions, forging weapons, armour, and exchange it for gold at an essence shop. Diamond sheathed his rapier and took out an essence vial which acts as a vessel for trapping essences. The essence then got sucked into the vial and he closes it once the essence got inside. His serious facial expression turned into a worried one when he looked at me. "You ok?" He asked me, worried.

I huffed and pouted at him "I could've got it Dia." (Pronounced as dye,die etc.)

He smiled softly and said "Just making sure you're safe"

I turned my head and replied him "Hmph, I could handle myself just fine." I began to walk away while my adoptive twin followed behind me. After a few steps, I accidentally tripped on a pebble. ( know where this cliché is going CX) Before my face could be broken by the solid ground, a pair of arms got to me first unfortunately. To make things more humiliating, I have to see HIS face instead of the ground. "Do not....even....say...a word." I said to him with a monotous voice.

And he had to reply with a witty remark "You can handle yourself huh?" He said with his smirk plastering on his face. The moment he said that, that's when I was sooo done with him. I let myself out from his grasp and continued walking towards where the nearest village is while leaving my brother who's trying to catch up to me. "You can't stay mad forever" Diamond said while laughing.

"Just watch me Diamond Nightgale" I retorted. He's right though, I can never stay mad at him. Sure he can be such a tease and a pain in the butt, but he's also very protective of me and would always have my back. I sighed and proceed to the pathway that will take us to the village.

(A/N: Well that's the first chapter of this story peeps, pls feel free to correct my mistakes X3. I think I'll update this story weekly if I don't have something going on like exams, homework and other burdening stuff that I just have to do *cough* mostly school *cough*)

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