Author's Note: Request

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Here ye, here ye......ok nevermind, I'm not going to type that medieval nonsense.

Moving on, as you read the title, I have something to ask for you fellow readers :3

Well.....Who wants to come adventuring with Frost and Diamond? A.K.A who wants to be in the story 😛. I need 3-4 people to join em. But keep in mind, I may tweak a little to your characters ie:-
I may pair you guys up or you fly solo but that's about it.

Don't worry, even though you can't go on an adventure with them, I'll manage to fit you other characters in somehow. And it's not like a single, it will be like 1 chapter you're there and you're gonna make another appearance in several other chapters as well depends really. Hell, maybe put you guys as one of the villains

I'm going to put the information slip below and the reason I'm doing this is because 1) It saves me time on making other characters 2) I feel like it would make you guys like the story more I think...3) Helps with story development. 4) I want to make this after several chapters, but this will help me more to think on making your debut. You may submit me your OC via comments or PM me, whichever you want really.

Sexuality: (Idk, to make more emotional drama XD)
Class: (ie: mage,warrior,thief...etc.)
Backstory: (Optional)
Weapon of choice:
Power: (Only 1 power per person, it can be the same as other characters but I prefer it to be different if possible and try not to make it overpowered 😜)

You'll get a shout out once I introduced your characters in later chapters. Keep in mind, you'll appear in Chapter 7 or later.

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