Chapter 18: Orientation

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***Shadow's POV***

We finally reached the rendezvous point of our destination. A stonehenge in the middle of a forest's clearing. "Finally, thought we were never going to get here" My partner in crime said while Marie is still hanging unconscious on his shoulders.

"Let's just hurry up before anyone spots us" We walked towards the henge and waited for it to respond. My right shoulder suddenly flashed a red light, showing a distinct symbol. Another different symbol stated to shine on the back of Sebastian's neck, glowing an indigo hue. The henge then glowed, blanketing the area with soft light. A vortex soon formed in front of us this we went into the portal and was transported us to our base of operations.

"Ah, good to be back" The buck dropped down the fox onto the ground without any sign of gentleness and walked to his living quarters.

Before he could take another step, a voice called out to him "And where do you think you're going Sebastian?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm going to bed. It's been three days since I was away with my comfortable and soft pillows. Pwease, just this once Rane" The deer pleaded, softening his eyes as though tears are coming out of them.

The voice revealed himself from the shadows. A tall, lanky green and black dragon came out from his hiding place. "No. The others are coming soon, so might as well wait for their arrival"

Sebastian puffed his cheeks and walked back to his original spot from before. He let out a small huff and turned his head away from the dragon. Rane would rolled his eyes and soon waited for the others to return to our base. Time passed from seconds to minutes. A familiar stench made its way to my nose, the scent of sweat and musk filled the room. I instinctively covered my muzzle to prevent myself from throwing up as I know who is coming next. "Looks like he's done with his usual orgy party" Sebastian commented.

"Whew, that was a good routine. Honestly they get better and better every day" A big bulky white ram chuckled as he was in the nude, his long flaccid dong, swinging side to side when he laughs. "Oh, your back from the mission I see Sebby and Shady" He then winked at me after he said my name.

"Wished it could've been longer. And put on some pants why don't you, Vernier" I half asked slash half demanded the goat man.

He smirked and replied with a perverted response "Because I know that you like to stare at me Shadow. Especially down there. You know, you could join me if your not busy after this if you'd like. I can show you the ropes...If you know what I mean" I scoffed at his attempt to seduce me and turned my head around. "Always play hard-to-get. It's fine I love a good chase" Vernier added.

"What a foul stench! How many times do I have to tell you to take a shower after you're done with your hobby Vernier? I could withstand the scent of corpses but I could not resist the musk of a ram that likes to have sexual intercourse every three minutes and put some pants while you at it" A feminine voice nagged from the distance. 

We all turned our faces towards the source of the sound, seeing a pale grey rabbit with white patches randomly placed on her fur and her long ears lazily standing up and flopped at the apex. The ram smirked and put his pants on and zipped his flyer after "Sorry Yurei, kinda forgot. Yo Rane, could you give me a quick rinse? Maybe another quicky if you don't mind hehe" The winged reptile rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers. A body of water forming under Vernier's feet, and jetted up to his head with a high pressure. As the pillar of the solvent washed his entire body, the water then disappeared in thin air as the ram now doesn't smell like sweat. "Ah~ refreshing as always. But would've been better if you gave me a quicky"

"I have no intentions to have any sexual relations with any of my colleagues, especially if they are hormonal beasts" The dragon retorted with his cynical honesty.

The ram clenched his chest tightly in a dramatic manner "Ouch, you words cut deeply into me Rane Zavist"

"Honestly, you should stop trying to get anyone here to sleep with you Ruxule, it's getting irritating to say the least" A prominent voice commented while padded footsteps were getting more audible towards our so called group. I tilted my head back to see a lion walking towards us with bravado as though the world needs to bow before him like a king. Trudging beside said lion was the recent member that joined a few days ago, with his usual cruel smile plastered on his face. If I recalled, the Raccoon's name was Avery, a mediocre thief who managed to get caught till Hubris brought him in while on patrol in a small town. "I see that you're successful with capturing Frier, though I suspected it would take a day earlier. But nonetheless, well done I suppose" Hubris half congratulated half criticized our effort. Sebastian ignored his statement while I lightly scoffed. 

And that concludes our group of misfits and weirdos. All that's left was him. "So when will the big boss gonna arrive?" Avery piped up a question to the group.

"He can't make it today. Says that he has some business to attend to. So he entrusted Belphegor to me, since I'm the leader" Hubris replied, holding a crystal orb encasing dark essence within the sphere on his paws.

I then tapped my foot to the ground impatiently, getting a bit fidgety and losing my patience as every second passes "Might as well make it quick then, I don't like to stall time any longer"

The former unconscious fox Marie Frier groaned on the ground and steadily sat herself up. It took her quite some to realize that she was surrounded by strangers. Her petite body instantly got up and jumped away from the centre of the circle. Rane took action, raising his arm and aimed for the fox "Lom Sken" He chanted out a spell, soon chains of water emerged from the ground and was heading straight for Marie. The fox maneuvered around, dodging and juking the chains  whilst finding a way to escape. Alas, her attempt was futile as more and more water chains were created. A chain finally grasp her ankle to her disbelief and soon yanked her down. She screamed until she landed with a loud thud. Three other chains then shackled the rest of her limbs. The vulpine struggled and squirmed to get free but the drake spew out a few words of threat "Escape again, and I'll make sure to sever your legs"

Marie clicked her tongue and stopped her struggling feat "What do you want from me?"

Hubris came closer to her and knelt down to her level and explained "Well, as the wolf and the deer said it before, we want you to join our little organization"

She fell silent for awhile, thinking and weighing her decisions. She the spoke up "And if I refuse?"

The lion let out a small chuckle and replied "Well, let's just say you aren't walking out here alive" His expression changed from soft and bright to dark and menacing. "So what's it gonna be?" He pressured the vulpine so she could quickly make her decision.

She finally let out a sigh "It's not like I have a choice in the matter"

Hubris sneered and rose back up to his original position "Good girl. Rane unchain her if you would" The dragon snapped his claws and the chains of water that binded the fox was now dissapated. We all then formed a circle around the fox to begin the ceremony. Hubris threw the sphere up high, directly perpendicular to our circle. The orb softly glowed a sky blue light as well as our own markings in their respective pallette. Everyone excluding Marie chanted out incantations for the ritual. She stood completely still, staring the crystal ball above as a black mist comes out of it. The mist surrounds the fox as she stared at it with caution. Out of her anticipation, the mist went into her mouth, forcing her to inhale and take in the strange gas. Marie held onto her throat with both of her paws, the feeling of asphyxiation reaping away the air in her lungs. All of the black mass was successfully inside her, her body then began to float in the air her eyes and gaping mouth shooting out blue light. A symbol is then forged onto her back calf before she fell to the ground again. The ritual was finally completed and Marie is one of us now. Our self proclaimed leader cleared his throat and proudly announced "Marie Frier, welcome to Purgatory"

A/N: When you have a week of school break but your parents decided to have a vacation for half of the week...Cri. Atleast they have decent internet here. So, Purgatory ye, very mysterious group (~owo)~. More will be unraveled about this organization but in the later chapters obviously. Sorry to whomever's OC's that's in Purgatory. Hope you don't mind SebDaBuckwolf and ShadowWolfe_AWF u-u...pls forgive me

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