Chapter 13: Smoke and Mirrors

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***Kandre's POV***

After spectating Fafnir's and Sigurd's battle, it really got me hyped up. 'Damn, the competition here is pretty tight. Can't wait to fight them as well as Frost and Diamond' After this, it's me and Dreyus next. We don't know who our opponents are, but after seeing those battles, my body is itching for a fight. "Will the next contenders get ready. Your fight will start in 5 minutes" The announcer spoke up.

"Well, guess it's our turn. You ready for this?" Dreyus asked, standing up from his seat while slapping my back.

I coughed up and reply to him with a snarky smirk "Born ready" I stood up from my seat and look to Frost, seating beside me.

He looked up to me and Dreyus and wished us "Good luck you two, we'll be cheering on for you"

"Thanks" Dreyus and I said in unison.

We soon made our way down to the centre of the colosseum. While walking, we came across the victors of the previous match. I quickened my pace and congratulate them "Hey, good job out there" I soon noticed that Sigurd was supporting his exhausted brother by holding him under his arm. "Is he okay?" I questioned the dragon with concern.

Sigurd perked his head and replied "Hmm? Oh, yeah, he'll be alright. Just exhausted from using too much enchanting spells, right Faf?"

Fafnir's head was drooping down but he managed to raised his arm and give a thumbs up. Sigurd then continued "Anyways, good luck both of you. Hope we see you guys at the next round in the near future"

I nodded my head and said to him "Will do" Sigurd nodded his head and walked to the opposite direction of us. Glancing at my partner Dreyus, he has a disturbing look plastered on his face. A look that wants to tell me something important. I stopped my tracks and asked the crocodile "Anything wrong big guy? You aren't nervous are you?" I lightly joked.

His train of thought had stopped and turned his head to me "Oh, no. Nothing like that. It's just that...." He paused his sentence halfway.

My curiosity got the better of me. I tilted my head and questioned him further "Just what?"



***Dreyus' POV***

I took short sigh. Tension grew between both teams. The battle hasn't started yet prior to waiting on the announcer. Our opponents were a fox and a gazelle. Strapped on the gazelle's waist was her weapon, a whip. The fox's weapon on the other hand, is concealed underneath by a cloak that he's wearing. Finally the announcer started to shout "Welcome to the 3rd fight of this tournament! Today, on one side, we have Kandre Blaze and Dreyus Trask" The crowed cheered as our names were called. "On the other side, it's Myran Edalontzi and Shakira Aysop" As usual, the spectators clapped their hands and made some noise. "Will the combatants get ready"

I pulled my giant hammer that was strapped on my back and hold it with a tight grip. Kandre also followed suit with his two-handed sword. We both got into stance as so did our opponents. The announcer then gave out a command "Begin!"

The fox threw two daggers towards me. I was late to react, but Kandre helped me deflect the said daggers with his sword. I sighed in relief and start to really focus on the battle. The fox then sprint towards us, with his knife in hand. I lifted my hammer and took a swung at the fox when he got close, or so I thought. With a flash of light, the fox vanished before my hammer could even pummel him. This got me and Kandre confused and we search for the fox. My left side then felt a sharp cut, causing me to wince. I lifted my head to see the fox smirking at me. I growled and lifted my hammer again. This time, making sure to hit the fox. I soon pounded the ground, purposely missing the fox. He then mocked me for my aim "Heh, ya missed"

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