Chapter 16: Dates

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***Dreyus' POV***

Well, the date's going smooth. Frost and I went to the carnival first to build up our hunger and have some fun at first, even though we were wearing suits. I've never been to a carnival before mainly because I was too busy with the guild but since it brings Frost a lot of joy, it makes me happy as well. Firstly, we went to this wheel shaped contraption that moves these caravans so we can see the beautiful scenery of the city. Frost explained it to me that the machine was a ferris wheel. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of myself
for not knowing all of these things. 'Kandre was right, I think I do live under a rock. God I feel like a bum now'

"Dreyus, you feeling alright?" a voice called out to me with full of worry.

Looking at my date's face that's full of concern, I quickly reassured him "I-it's nothing. Its just that...I feel embarrassed for not knowing these things"

After hearing what I said, he soon giggled "It's okay Dreyus. I really don't mind"

"You really think so?" I questioned him, still feeling insecure.

"I know so. Now c'mon, we still have one more game to go before we eat" He then dragged my arm and lead me.

He lead me to a spot that has a bar of some sort with a bell at the top. Scratching my head in puzzlement, I only manage to open my mouth wide "Uhhhhhh"

Frost let out a small giggle "Hold on a sec" He walked to a nearby counter and paid the person working there with some coins. The guy behind the counter fetched something what appears to be a large mallet. It seems to be heavy since the wolf is dragging it with all his might. Then again, his body is not the physically strong type.

When he finally reached me, he panted for air while I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it "Uhhh, huh?"

He finally regained his breath and returned back into his joyous self while explaining to me on what to do "Lift the hammer and swing it down there. If the bell dings, you get a prize"

"Ohhhh, I see. So I just need to pummel that thing there?" I lifted the mallet with only my right arm while asking my date while inspecting the mallet. He gawked at me, staring me in bewilderment and utter shock. I tested the weight of the object and compared it with my weapon and commented on it "It's a bit lighter than my hammer. You sure you got the right one? I mean, you were struggling to even drag it here" turning my head to him.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds and soon makes exaggerating hand gestures while making weird, uncompleted words "Wha-I-How- Hmph" He then crossed his arms while puffing his cheeks and made me looked at the side of his face.

"C'mon now, don't be like that. You can't turn away from these" I consoled Frost while flexing my free arm, causing a bulge to form under my shirt.

He gave in to my charm and sighed "Fine"

I grinned and lifted the mallet, aiming for the target "That's the spirit. Now, let's get us some prize money" I then smashed the target with the tool and a cylindrical object rose up the meter till it hits the bell. Frost cheered for me as the bell made a dinging sound.

The man who is in charge of the stand walked up to us and gave me six essences plus a free vial. I gladly took it and said my thanks to him while giving back the mallet. After the guy returned back to his stand, I focus my attention to Frost "You hungry yet?

Frost simply nodded "Yeah, let's go"

"As you wish" I then lead the way to the restaurant with Frost walking close to my side. On instinct, I intertwined my fingers around the wolf's and soon his soft paw is clamped with my scaly claws. Frost leans his head against my arm and I reassuringly tightened my grasp on his paw.

Falling Kingdoms (A Furry Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora