Chapter 15: FafDrune

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***Fafnir's POV***

Waltzing through the crowd of people, I wandered off the streets of the enchanting city that's bustling with joyful cheers and laughter. I then took a bite of a my fluffy confectionery treat that I bought not too long ago. The festival was still ongoing and I just had to explore, it's not like every time I could do this so might as well enjoy to the fullest. As for Sigurd, he's doing some training somewhere. 'Sucks that he can't come. It will be more fun for the both of us. Oh well, looks like I'm just going to enjoy this with myself' I sighed audibly before finishing my sweet pink candy. After finishing my treat, I came across a dazzling, giant water fountain that's located at the center of the city of Ymmitr. The people surrounding the fountain was mainly consisted of couples.

A throbbing feeling could be felt within my heart. The pain was excruciating as I never felt this kind of injury before. Tugging tightly at my shirt where my heart was, I began to ask myself what this pain was 'Why does it hurt so bad? Is this... jealousy?' I then doubted myself and tried to shrug this feeling off. Sitting on the base of the fountain, I could feel my tears beginning to form as my vision started to blurred out. Quickly rubbing my eyes with an arm, I then sighed and sulked while staring blankly at the floor.

Suddenly, a voice called out to me "Hey" I held my head up to see whose voice it belonged to. To my surprise, it was the the fox that I met earlier. With his beautiful red fur, and majestic blue eyes. When I first saw him, my stomach grew knots which confused me at first but soon realized that I might have a slight crush on him. My train of thought was soon cut off by the fox again "Uhm, hello? Are you still with me?"

I shook off from my daydreaming and looked up to his face "H-huh? O-oh yea, hey. Sorry, hi uhm...Edrune right?"

"Yea. Good to see you again Fafnir. May I join?" He asked politely to me.

My mind went blank for a few minutes as I cannot make do any words. He cocked his head and raised a brow, waiting for my answer. Hastily mustering up my courage, I responded him, with my tone slightly squeaking "U...uh..sure!"

He lightly chuckled and sat beside me, gazing up at the indigo sky. He then stuck up a conversation with me "Nice night we're having hm?"

I quickly raised my head to look at him gazing at the sky and replied "Y-yea.."

"Soooo, are ya free tonight?" The fox asked rather suddenly.

A bright red hue tinted my cheeks "Well, I'm not doing anything at the moment. So yea, I'm free" My head began to spin as my thoughts were trying comprehend on what Edrune is trying to get at 'Is he...trying to ask me out? Nah, you're just over thinking it I...?'

***Edrune's POV***

After the adorable husky said yes, my mind prepped itself to keep me calm and cool 'Ok Edrune, you've managed to get this far without stuttering. Don't screw up now' I lightly chuckled and stood up while extending a paw for him to reach. Fafnir would tilt his head as a sign of confusion. I sighed and began to explain it to him "Well? You coming or not?"

The realization on his face hit him and he reached his paw to grab my extended one "Oh, hehe, my bad"

I pulled him up and looked to his beautiful eyes again "Well, what do you wanna do first?"

The husky tapped his chin and thought for a while "Mmmm. Ah, how 'bout we play some carnival games? It's not...too childish for you isn't it?" He asked in a worried tone.

I laughed once more and shook my head "Carnival games sounds fun right now"

His face then brightened up and soon cheered for joy "Yay! Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He dragged me to the carnival with high speed. Seeing him this excited really warms my heart. I then balanced my body so I won't fall by his pulling and keep up his pace.

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