Chapter 3: Trouble in Matiol

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*** Kandre's POV ***

After Frost ate his lunch, I then showed the tour of the Matiol that I promised him. As I showed him around, I started to stare at his face 'Damn he's cute. With those beautiful eyes, bright smile and...oh what are you even saying Kandre, you barely even met him. You don't know if he's even gay! Even if he is, which is most likely a no, what if he doesn't return my feelings? ' I thought, mentally fighting with myself, after a few seconds, I could not take it anymore. "GRRRRR GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed out loud not realizing that there were a bunch of people around me.

The villagers and Frost would stop and look at me with a surprising expression on their face. Frost then would ask "Ummm, you okay?"

I would look at him with embarrassment "What? Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I just forgot about something hahaha." I lied to him, laughing to myself to make it look more convincing while rubbing the back of my neck.

Fortunately, he just shrugged it off and continued forward and said "Okay then, whatever you say."

'Phew, that was a close one' I sighed and inspect his slim body from behind 'His butt is so tight, wish I could tap it, grope it and maybe even...damn it, refrain yourself from this carnal thoughts Kandre you're stronger than this.' I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey, Kandre?"

I was dragged back into reality to see that Frost needed something and I immediately replied "Yes?"

He soon asked, "Do you know where the essence shop is, I need to find Diamond, my brother and give him back his sword here."

I thought for a moment and nodded "Sure, I'll lead you there." I then lead the way towards the shop, Frost not too far away behind me following. 'I finally got the chance to meet this guy, Diamond was it? I'm so going to challenge him and beat him. That way, I can win Frost's heart and he'll be forever mine' I smirked sinisterly, laughing silently hoping Frost did not hear me.

*** Diamond's POV ***

I patiently stood there, in front of the essence shop, waiting for the person to finish their lunch break as the sign on the door tells me. I sighed, I waited so long for the shop to open. 'Guess my luck was apparent' I thought to myself. Let's have a recap on what happened shall we? Firstly, when I came to the shop after I left the inn, it still hasn't opened yet. Thinking that I was a bit early, I then head to the bar to have my brunch, which to my displeasure, only ended for a few minutes. So, to kill more time, I would then visit the public library. It wasn't exactly a library, more of a small bookstore. None the less, there were some good books in there that I read. Half an hour has passed, and I left the library and went to the shop again. And here I am, waiting for the employee to finish their lunch break.

As I was about to give up and leave, at the corner of my eye, I saw a vixen rushing towards the shop. She panted and was holding her knees to catch her breath. "I'm*huff*so*huff*sorry*huff*for being*huff*late" She says, trying to intake as much oxygen as she can.

Feeling sympathy for the girl, I chuckled a little and accepted her apology "Heheh, it's fine, no need to apologize."

"No, let me make it up to you somehow." She retorted, giving a determined face.

I placed a hand on my chin and thought for a moment "Hmmm...Maybe you could....unlock the door to the shop?"

The vixen looked puzzled towards my request and she looked at the door and realized "Oh, yeah....whoops." The girl then reach out into her pocket, searching for the keys to open the shop once more. Few seconds after, she got what she was looking for and fumbled a few keys to get the right one. She inserted the key into the keyhole and pushed open the door.

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