Chapter 14: Puppeteer's Dance

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***Dreyus' POV***

After our match, the first day of the tournament had ended and it will continue on day 2, which will be tomorrow. After Kandre and I went out of the arena, we were panting out of exhaustion as the previous battle drained so much of out energy. "I really could take a nap just about now" I talked to myself in particular.

The husky beside me yawned while agreeing with me "Yeah, a nap is a good idea.."

Too tired to realise, a figure can be seen running towards our direction and hugged both of our necks without warning, squeezing the air out of our lungs. The figure turns out to be Frost, with his big grin "Congratulations guys for making it to the second round. I'm so happy for you two"

We both nervously chuckled while our cheeks showed a tint of pink. "Thanks Frost, hope we see you in the future rounds" the husky managed to speak up.

"Just a fair warning, we won't go easy on both of you" a certain black and mint wolf approached us with his usual serious attitude.

Frost finally let go much to our dismay and observe our tired faces "You two look like zombies. Maybe you should go rest at the inn for now"

"That's the plan. By the way, where did Edrune run off to?" I questioned the blue wolf while looking around my surroundings to find the fox.

His ears twitched and answered "Oh, he went to the festival to enjoy himself. He said he wants some time alone so we let him go. We also told him that we're going to the festival too until your match ended."

"I see. Well I'm gonna hit the hay for now. And Frost, can you up with me at the room by sunset? I have something to talk to you" I stretched my arms while I timidly ask the wolf.

He cocked his head to the side and gave me a quizzical look "Ok? Kandre, are you going to take a nap too?"

The husky gave a big yawn as a response "Yah, I'll meet you guys at the plaza later. See ya" We all then said our farewells and took opposite routes. As Kandre and I walk side by side, the husky nudged my elbow to get my attention"So, you gonna ask him about the 'thing' ? If you are, don't forget about our deal"

I let out a sigh "Yeah, yeah whatever"


"Well....I..I want to have a date..with Frost" I said to Kandre, blushing like mad.

Kandre took a while to process and soon began to smirk at me "That's all? Thought it was more serious"

"Not only that...I also want to kiss him" I said the last part softly.

Apparently, Kandre did not hear that so he asked me again "Come again?"

I snapped at him, letting my anger get the best of me "I WANT TO KISS HIM DAMMIT!"

Kandre stepped back a little, surprised by my outburst "Whoa whoa, calm down crocky pants" He thought for a moment and came up with something, snickering at me "If you are going out with Frost, on his first date AND steal the first kiss, then I'll get the last one that Frost has"

My face put on a confused look, thinking what the crazy husky is talking about "What are you getti- oh..." a sudden pang of realization hit me and my facial expression turned from confused to annoyed. I took a deep breath and let out a long sigh while looking at the husky who is wiggling his eyebrows like a pervert "Grrr, fine. I accept your terms"

Kandre pumps his fist into the air with a triumphant face "Yus"


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