Chapter 7: Sewer Crocodile Pt 2

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*** Frost's POV ***

He extended his arm and said "It's okay, I'm not here to harm you..."

I was a bit skeptical by his words "How can I be so sure you're not just here to take me away and use me as well?" I reached for my wand, but it was nowhere to be found.

He reached in for his pocket. I kept my eyes on him trying to be cautious. He pulled out a wand that looks similarly to mine. "Because I wouldn't give this to you now, would I?" He then offered me my wand. I reached for my wand carefully and snatched it away from his hands. He smiled "See, that wasn't hard was it?"

I then said to him with a serious tone "Even though, you've freed me, catch my fall and gave me my wand back, that still doesn't explain why would you do this"

The crocodile then replied "Well, I just think that my brother, who possibly tortured you, needs to be put back at his place. I'm tired of always have to clean up after his shit" He then rubbed at the back oh his head while a red tint formed over his cheeks and added "'re kinda.....cute"

I then thought for a moment 'Okay, he thinks I'm cute.....' I could've sworn that my face heated up when he said that.

Before I could say anything, he cleared his throat "To answer your question, I'm bi"

I finally spoke "Okay, why don't we discuss this later before Crogall comes back in"

He stuttered a little "R-Right....after you" He gestured me to the door.
Once we got out, we sneakily went through the hallways of the sewers, avoiding a few bandits here and there.

I followed him behind, noticing a giant war hammer strapped to his back. 'Must be his weapon...' I still kept a watchful eye on him in case he does anything out of the ordinary such as pummeling me with that hammer.

While walking, I started a conversation with him "So, I never really catch your name"

He then spoke "Hmmm? Oh, its Dreyus, Dreyus Trask. What's yours if you don't mind me asking?"

I thought for a moment before answering 'He seems like a nice guy...' I then said my name "Frost, Frost Nightgale"

*** Dreyus' POV ***

'So, his name is Frost huh? That's a cute name for someone like him. I think we're making progress on trusting each other' I thought to myself.

I tried to keep the conversation alive by asking him questions. "Hey umm, what's your.....preference?"

His attention turned towards me and raised an eyebrow "Pardon?"

My face began to fluster and said "You know, as in guys or girls?"

He then replied me "Oh, I like guys if that's what you're asking"

I then made a small celebration in my head 'So he's gay? Yes! I think I have a shot in going out with him. I'm so going to charm him and make him fall heads over heels for me' I then laughed to myself.

*** Diamond's POV ***

We continued walking for it seems like hours has passed. Within those hours, we avoided some bandits. But then, there was a junction that takes on different pathways.

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