Chapter 12: Round One

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***Diamond's POV***

I dodged the upcoming beam that is emitted by the caster and the crowd went wild. The tournament had started a few minutes ago and the randomizer picked me and Frost for the first fight of the first round. Our competitors though was a crow and a cat. The crow was an archer, very pesky. Always soaring the skies and snipe from above. The cat on the other hand, was a mage. Her plasmic spells could pack a punch based on my experience.

While I was dealing with the mage. Frost is having problems with the crow. He's trying to bring him down with his icicles, but the latter was nimble enough to dodge them and shoot out arrows at the same time, much to Frost's displeasure. The cat then blasted another spell at me but I manage to evade it at the nick of time.

"This is getting nowhere. Frost! Wall!" I barked out to my brother.

Frost instantly got the message and cast an ice wall spell. The wall formed under me and lifted me up, all the while creating a boost for me to jump higher and bring the bird down. I point my sword at the crow, but he manage to dodge my attack and mocked me "Hah! Gotta do better than that" He then aimed his bow to my back and fired a shot of his power arrow.

I spun my body around and deflect the arrow. I smirked at the shocked crow and told him "I'm just getting started" I pulled my sword back as it glowed. I then thrust as fast as I can, spears of light aiming for the bird.

The spears then barraged the said bird, causing him to crash down and lose consciousness. I smirked as I land on the ground smoothly and turned towards Frost, who's battling with the cat.

The cat emitted a few plasma beams but Frost managed to shield himself with ice walls. The irritation on her face made it obvious that she's having trouble, it also doesn't help that her opponent was taunting her by sticking out his tongue. She held out her wand and it became a sword that's made out of energy.

Frost was a bit startled by this and heightened his guard up. The cat dashed towards the wolf, sword in hand, ready to strike. But Frost side-stepped the attack and backs up into a certain distance. He then concentrated his energy and a glyph formed under him.

The cat ran towards him again and managed to hit him for once, interrupting his spell. Frost rolled on the ground and got up slowly. The cat mocked Frost as he got up "Heh, nice try, I ain't gonna let you off that easy"

Frost would just smirk and retort her "Don't need to, I purposely let you have one at me just so that...." He pauses and lifted his wand up, the glyph from before appeared under the cat and instantly froze her bottom half of her whole body. "I could trap you"

The cat growled in annoyance and lifted her sword. The sword shifted and turned into a mallet. The said feline swung the mallet and smashed the ice that's encasing her feet, freeing her in the process. Glaring at Frost, the mallet shifted back into a sword and began to make her counter attack.

Frost smiled innocently and pointed his finger behind her. She raised an eyebrow and looked behind her. Her eyes widened, as she was seeing me speeding with my rapier in my hand. The cat tried to parry my blow, but the force was too great until she was thrown to the wall, giving us our first victory.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! This round goes to Diamond and Frost Nightgale!" The announcer shouted as the roaring crowd gave us a round of applause and cheered. We both took a bow and left the stadium.

***Frost's POV***

As we were walking down the hallway, my twin patted my back and said "Good job out there, as expected from you"

I plastered a goofy smile and replied "Heh, couldn't have done it without your help Dia"

A few footsteps could be heard at the distance. We looked ahead to see a certain dragon and husky by the names Sigurd and Fafnir respectively, walking into the arena.

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