Two Negatives Make a Positive

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Chapter XIX: Two Negatives Make a Positive

"We need to talk." I declared as I entered my living room and saw Liliya seating on the floor reading her grimoire.

"What is it Kat?" The witch inquired, looking up at me.

"I know that you're still pissed about me using expression, and ignoring the consequences of it." I stated, not sure how to explain myself. "But I'm not going to apologize, you weren't here and I had a werewolf bleeding in the carpet. I did what I had to do, and I'm not regretting saving Derek's life." Even if he is a jerk, I added mentally.

"Ok." She simply replied, letting out a sigh. "I know you did what you had to do, but next time try something else first before stepping you expression. You don't understand the consequences Katherine."

"Then explain them to me." I demanded, taking a seat next to her on the floor. "I'm still inexperienced at this, heck I'm not sure what I'm doing half the time."

"Expression appeared when Magic appeared, they are not the same. They're opposites." Liliya stated. "While magic, at least Traditional Magic, obeys the rules of nature , expression is wild, with no rules. While it has no rules it has consequences. Like dark magic it corrupts the soul if you're not strong willed, it eats you from the inside. The moment you first try it you're lost to it."

"I tried it and you don't see me going around all dark and shit." I replied rolling my eyes. Sure I understood the power expression had, I had felt it. But the book said that as long I didn't try to control it it wouldn't control me. After years of practicing other types of magic I'm pretty sure travelers knew their shit.

"Yet, you're not lost yet." Liliya said seriously, before giving me a wink. "Must be you're stubbornness fighting the dark magic."

"Yeah, right." I replied rolling my eyes again, before giving her a grin. "I solemnly swear I'm not using expression unless my life is in danger."

"Fine." She relented. "But think before you're actions ok?"

"Sure." I replied nodding along. "Also, something weird happened, I thought you could tell me why."

"What happened this time?" The witch asked, but I'm pretty sure it sounded more like what-the-hell-did-you-do question.

"Yesterday I used the traveler's pain spell, but It normally needs like four travelers to do it." I said remembering my first confrontation with Peter. "And today I'm pretty sure I popped Peter's blood vessels, and that's a traditional magic thing right?"

"Well, while you could pop blood vessels with any kind of magic if you did It without almost thinking about it, maybe." Liliya explained with a peculiar look on her face. "But using a traveler's pain spell alone, well that's different."

I waited for her to tell me what the hell was going on, but she remained quiet for a bit. "I have an idea Kat." The witch told me. "Follow me."

I got up and followed her into my back yard. It was a really small yard, not like I used it for gardening or something. I had just a few flowers, left by
the last owners, that we're dying.

"Put you're hands near that flower." Liliya said, pointing at one of the dead plants. "Then I want you to chant Phasmatos Tribum, Plantus Vivifey, Plantus Herbus."

I looked at her perplexed but did has I was told. I got on my knees, ruining my black jeggins, and put my hands near the flower. "Phasmatos Tribum, Plantus Vivifey, Plantus Herbus."

Soon enough the plant started lifting itself up, and soon was revived as a beautiful flower. It was like it never died in the first place. And then I felt it, all around me. Living, and breathing. Everything connected to me. It was like expression, but much calmer. Much brighter. Much happier.

"What's that thing?" I asked Liliya amazed, looking around with wide eyes. "It's everything, it's everywhere."

"That's nature sweetheart, congrats on becoming a full fledged witch." Liliya replied, although she was looking at me like I was a puzzle she needed to solve.

"But how?" I asked stupefied, even though I had been of the plans to figure out how the Bennett's did and do it to me we hadn't even searched yet. "We didn't do anything."

"We didn't, but you did." The girl replied, looking at me with wide eyed. "I don't know how I didn't see it before."

"What do you mean?" Seriously, I didn't speak witch yet.

"You bonded yourself to a born werewolf, which is like the most natural supernatural creature created by nature. " She explained. "You bonded in blood and soul, as such you are now the same in spirit. Werewolves are nature's beings, has are witches. Travelers are impure, because of their curse. But apparently being bound to something natural, it repels the curse. That's how the Bennett's did it, those sneaky bitches."

"So you're saying that my improper use of expression, which is like the blackest shit around, actually removed the impure magic I had before?" I asked aloud, this magic business made no sense to me.

"Two wrongs make a right, that's one of nature's basic rules." Liliya replied. "Two wrongs equals a positive."

"Still doesn't make any sense to me, but whatever." I stated, shrugging.

I was reading Liliya grimoire when someone knocked on my front door

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I was reading Liliya grimoire when someone knocked on my front door. I got up from my comfy spot on the couch the greeted my visitors. 

"Scotty, Stiles." I said, as I saw their faces. "Come on in."

They both entered in silent until Stiles couldn't contain myself anymore. "Ok, spill. What are you? What is Liliya?"

"Not even an hello, I'm hurt Stilinski." I said theatrically, lifting my hand to my heart. 

"Katherine." Scott replied, in a serious tone.

"Fine." I sighed. Scott was no fun, always so serious. "I was a vampire for 500 hundred years, I'm a witch now and so is Liliya."

"What?"Scott exclaimed, looking at me like I was crazy, while Stiles inquired. "Vampires exist?"

"Yes, well now that this is all in the open we have to talk about our mutual enemy." I said, rolling my eyes at both of them.

"Peter." Scott voiced, nodding at me.

"Yes, he needs to be dealt with." I reasoned. "While Derek may have forgotten that Laura was purposely drawn to be slaughtered I haven't. He killed his own niece. We need to deal with him before he targets us, or the ones we care about." 

The teens nodded along with my reasoning, Peter was a dangerous foe on the loose. Especially now that he had Derek to do his bidding.

"Derek told me that If I killed the one that turned me I might become normal again." Scott said looking at me. "You've been around for a while, do you know if it's true?"

"I didn't run in the same circles as werewolves Scott." I told him truthfully. "Mortal enemies and all that. But I've never heard of something like that happening."

"Even if it's not true Peter's too dangerous to be left alone." Stiles interjected. 

"So, we're doing this?" Scott inquired, giving both his friend and I a questioning look.

Stiles and I looked at each other, before grinning together. "Hell yes!"

Mission kill Peter is a go.

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