Chapter One: My Old Team

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I was packing to go back to the military and to my team. I felt bad because I have to leave my 14 year old little brother alone...again.

"Really?! You just got home and now you are leaving me?!" Alex said with a frustrating tone.

"Yeah I know they need my team and I," I said calmly looking at him. "I'm not too happy about it either but things are the way they are."

He rolled his eyes. "It's not too surprising. I think you should drop out of the military. Plus even sometimes people don't come back from the military because you know they die."

I put my camouflage pattern backpack on my back and my duffel bag, which was also camouflage. "I will be home. I always come back."

We heard a jeep horn, both looking at the same direction. I started to head out of my room, going passed my pissed off blonde demon brother, went down the stairs, and opened my front door.

I could hear Alex walking behind me and shutting the door behind him. "Come on why can't you just have your team take care of everything. Since you guys are the best." He said begging.

Nick, my ex, gets out of the jeep with the same outfit as me. Well everyone that's in the jeep is going back like me. "Because bub no one else can." Nick told him opening the trunk.

Alex rolled his blue eyes again. "Really? Don't get into this."

Nick looks at me. "Just trying to help." He walked back to the driver seat.

I looked at Alex while opening the back seat door. "Hey if it makes you feel any better I won't be long. It's only one mission."

"Yeah that's you said last time and never came home till 3 months later." He said turning around.

"Bye Alex." I said getting into the car.

"Bye." He said walking back to the house.

As we were driving to the airport to go to New York. Nick put on 30 Second To Mars which is all of our are favorite band and talking about if anyone knows what our mission is about.

Michael started to laugh. "Ha you don't know? Your our leader Ana, shouldn't you know?"

"Well I got the phone call at 0300 and wasn't happy so they hurried things." I said looking through the window.

"That's true they don't like talking to her when she is upset." Serria says chuckling.

"Hey Burnett shut up they don't like talking to ya either!" Nick yelled jokingly to Serria.

She just laughed. "Ha says the carrot top." Nick is a red head so Serria calls him that ever since they met 4 years back.

I chuckle. "Hey at least your little brother didn't  say that we wouldn't come home because we could die."

Everyone started to laugh they were laughing so hard Nick turned off the music. "What?? We are the best of the best." Michael bragging like always.

"Hey it could happen. I mean it happens to a lot of people." I said punching his arm.

He just flinches and laughs, then flips his black hair, and looks out the window. "We are here anyways." Nick chuckles out calming down and pulling into the airport.

It was a couple hours before we got to our military base in New York. After Serria freaked out on the plane I had to sit by her to calm her down.

We got off and started to head to the car. "One second I have to call my brother to see how he is doing." I said taking my iPhone out dialing my house number.

Without Being Seen (Project Freelancer Story) UNDER EDITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt