Chapter Seventeen: Case File Classfied

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Hawaii and I both walked to the classroom where all of us Freelancers learn how to use equipment. In that room there are touch screen computers that are built in the desk.

I opened the door than turned to Hawaii. "Alright stay here watch out and you know what to do from there right?"

She nodded. "Yes ma'am." She said it in the most cockiest tone in the world.

I walked into the classroom that was for us Freelancers to learn more about the project or even if we are lucky new equipment. Like I heard they have been talking about getting all of us AI units. I doubt that I don't even think that we have to utensils to actually build one.

I walked to the chairs...well booth looking things that had long table in front of them. On the table is touch screens on them, they are built in the desk, it was pretty cool.

I slid my body into the desk. "Ok let's see." I whispered to myself.

I turned on the computer screen it opened with the Project Freelancer symbol and with a sign in bars. I went to the username bar and typed in Agent Arizona than went to the password 000-1297-22780. It loaded with my computer load out with my background of my old old squad. I frowned than plugged a microchip that York stole from Director of Consular.

An pop up came up saying 'open up the file' or 'cancel'. I tapped on the 'open up file'. A ton of files popped up and they were label: Missions, Agents, and Experiments. I looked over at the mission file and tapped on the file making it make a ding sound and opening up to mission locations, time, objectives and agents that are going.

I started to scroll sideways since that's the only way to scroll. I kept scroll fast until I caught a glimpse at a mission that the objectives. It was to capture Agent Connecticut and her amour than the agents that were going are Washington, Kansas, California, Carolina, and Alex. The time of the mission was 2200 on February 17, 2568. Which was in two days. Alex isn't here so they would have to change that soon. I wonder where Alex went...away from here that's for sure.

I shook my head and clicked out of the file and opened the experiment file. There was one label AI, another Case File Classified. I raised an eyebrow and tapped on the Case File Classified. It popped up a password bar of course it was called classified only Director or Consular can access it. I tapped on the 'x' icon that was on the top corner of the password bar.

I tapped on the AI file and only names came up. One said Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Omgea, Sigma, Gamma, PI, Eta, Iota, Epsilon, and etc. There were more and more. The names seemed familiar... "Agent Arizona what the hell are you doing?" I jumped and looked behind me.

Director was standing at the doorway with his hands behind his back glaring at me. Consular stood there behind Director with his pad in his hands. Than Hawaii wasn't there at the doorway nor behind them. "," I shuddered out I grabbed the microchip out and everything shut off and went to the picture of my old team. "Nothing sir. I was just checking things."

He glared at me through his glasses. "What is in your hand?" he asked moving his head slightly up.

I looked at my hand that didn't have the chip than I put my other hand hat had the chip behind my putting in the microchip in my helmet. "What you mean sir?"

"Umhm," he looked at me with a suspicious glare. "Get out now."

"Yes sir." I stood up and walked out if the room.



"What do you mean you had to leave?" Wash was in a panic. Arizona could be compromised.

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