Chapter Fifteen: The Past Hurts

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It was a couple of months after the incident with the cops working with Insurrection. Everyone became closer to each other than ever before seen, York announced at our last meeting. Well except for Wash he became distant and not talkative since he got out of the medical bay.

I opened the cafeteria door to find Wash sitting alone playing with his food by twirling a pea with his fork. It was after dinner and everyone has left...but him.

I started to walk towards him. "Hey."

He turned quickly alerted than he settled. "Oh hey."

I paused. "So why you sitting alone. Loner."

He shrugged than dropped his fork and looked up at me. "What do you want?"

"Mmm nothing," I went to the other side of the table and sat across from him. "I....well the whole team is worried about you," I paused waiting for him to respond but he just looked away. "You've been acting distant lately. Ever since we came back actually."

"Why would all of you care." He mumbled.

I didn't know what to say. He never acted like this. South explained to me a couple of days after Wash got put in Recovery Two.

He made a whimper. "Like you know what is me and not me. You only been here. What? Six months?" he looked up at me. "You don't know anything about me." He started to raise his voice.

I took off my helmet than set it on the table. "I'm not saying that I do. The team is thin...."

"No you can stop there," he put his hand up. "They don't know anything either."

I stood up resting my hands on the table. "You have been acting like an ass to everyone. I think you need to grow up and tell us what is wrong." I glared at him.

He slammed his fist on the table. "It doesn't affect anyone here!" he yelled. "So you guys just need to mind your own business!" he stood up and walked out of the room leaving me and the dim room alone.


Wash stormed passed marines with his fist curled up in a ball. What do they know? They don't understand?

Is he crying? He felt his eyes burn and his eyesight is blurry from the water in his eyes. He is crying....great now he is a baby.

He never felt like this before; feeling guilt, mad, sad....the memories hurt him and killing him inside. Why now? Why couldn't it have been a couple years ago? Than it would have been done and over with. But no damn Pete had to show up and trigger everything!

He reached his room and pound on the panel to his room. It slide open than shut behind him. He took off his helmet and threw it across the room than started to pace around the room.

His hands were curled up in a ball. "Why do they care? Why do any of them care?" he started to mumble.

He went towards his bed than sat on it. He took a deep breath and sighed. He slammed his body into the bed making him bounce for a bit. He looked up at the ceiling and started to count. His mom told him all the time count when you upset it helps.


There was a knock on the door. Wash opened his eyes and looked at the door. He got up than grabbed his helmet from the floor and went to the door while putting his helmet on.

He opened it. Anabeth was standing there with her hands in front of her and she didn't have her armour on. She smiled. "Hey."

"Hey." He said in a low voice.

Without Being Seen (Project Freelancer Story) UNDER EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora