Chapter Eighteen: The Moment of Silence

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"Now I will pass out your homework for tonight." My science teacher said passing out a a diagram of a frog with blanks pointing to parts of it.

I looked at it than rolled my eyes. I looked over at Trent he was looking at me than shook his head. I chuckled and nodded than stuck my tongue out to the side.

He chuckled than pointed to his phone I raided an eyebrow. I reached for my phone that was on my desk.

Cant wait till the game ;)

Lol why?

Well first we ARE going to win

Mhm and if you don't?

Well....i don't get a prize right?

Huh? I looked up at him confused

He moved his eyebrows up and down. I chuckled a bit. Haha no we got caught last time. ;)

Ya I know but we can find somewhere else.

"Miss. Griffin what are you looking at your lap for?" Mrs. Johnson asked tapping her foot.

" at my sexy legs. I can't stop looking at them." The class started to chuckle a bit.

Her lips curled in. "Hand me it." She put out her hand.

I rolled my eyes and locked my IPhone and handed it to her. "There you go."

"You can have it at the end of school." She walked to her desk and opened a drawer. "If I see anyone else with their phones put I will take them at the beginning of class every day." She closed her drawer.

The bell rang. "Ok class bring your notebooks and science book tomorrow we will be taking notes."

I swung my bag around my shoulder and picked up my binder that is full of paper and books. "Ha I'm surprised you got caught." Trent said standing next to my desk.

I looked up at him. "Ya and that's your fault jerk." I punched him playfully.

He rubbed his shoulder like it hurt. "Hey at least I can't hide my phone."

"Psh," I started towards the door. "I can I just couldn't at that moment."

Trent opened the door and grabbed my hand. I linked my fingers with his fingers. "Hey Ana!" I turned around and my friend Diana was behind us. She was running and her brown hair was in a ponytail.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"Wake up!"


"Wake up!"



"Arizona come on breathe breathe!" I felt someone blowing into my mouth than pressuring on my chest like someone was pushing on it. But I couldn't see anything, it was just all black I couldn't see anything.

I felt like an elephant was sitting on me. My chest burned, my leg feels like someone broke it 5 times, and my head felt like it got hit with a metal bat.

I fluttered my eyes open and started to cough. Wash was hovering over me and Kansas, Penn, Colorado, Texas, York, and South were in the background, but York was on the ground and Texas was leaning on a half destroyed wall.

"Oh thank god." Wash whispered putting his head down.

"Is she good? We need to get a move on." Kansas said looking in the distance.

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