Chapter Six: Searching For Rob Stewart

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I woke up with an alarm going rapidly and someone shaking me frantically. "Arizona wake up now!" I heard a women's voice rang out.

I flipped open my eyes to see the pelican flashing red and everyone was in the seat strapped in. "What the hell is going on?" I screamed over the alarm.

"We have been hit by rockets!" Four Seven Niner yelled from the front.

I looked over to the huge door, we used to go through, was completely gone, and I saw dark smoke flying out into the dark bright night sky. I took a deep breath and looked over at Wash. He was holding on to the bar that was in the middle of your body that was holding us but not tight. It hovered over us like it wasn't touching but it kept us in the seat without flying out.

He looked back and nodded. I could tell he was nervous about everything us falling a long ways away from the ground. I looked at everyone else  and they were gripping the bar looking straight, murmured to each other, but not gripping as hard as Wash was.

"Ok this is going to be a rough landing be prepared!" Four Seven Niner warned us.

Once after I heard that I felt a jerking sensation, a huge boom, and than hit my head and blacked out.



"Wake up its time." I opened my eyes to see my mother hovering over me. "David it's almost school. Get up and get dress!"

I groaned. "Whhyy? Can I just stay home?"

She let out a soft chuckle. "No young man you are in 11th grade and need to get your grades up. Next year is your Senior year of high school and its harder to get grades up trust me." She turned to me and grinned than shut my bedroom door.

I grunted, rolled out of bed, and started to strip down to my boxers. Luckily I took a shower last night. I thought to myself.

I went towards my drawer, pulled out a plain black shirt, and pair of jeans. I went towards my closet, opened it, and saw my favorite gray sweater than put it on and zipped it till I reached below my rib cage. I looked over and saw my black vans that was sitting next to my door. I went over there, leaned against the wall, and hurriedly put on my shoes.

I let out a long sigh. "David! Lets get going!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs.

"Ok ok hold on," I yelled back. "Jesus." I mumbled.

"What was that?" my mom yelled back.

"Nothing." I said grabbing my gray with a yellow zippers backpack that had two straps and put it around one of my bulky shoulders.

I started down the stairs. "Don't you have practice?"

I looked over and saw Connie my sister sitting at the kitchen table. "Oh you're here." I grumbled.

"Oh not happy to see me little bro?" she asked surprised.

I rolled my eyes. "Ya kinda." I looked at my mom. "Can we go?"

She chuckled. "Yes." She looked over at Connie. "And yes he does after school."

I shot my mom a glare. "Why are you telling her?"

She looked back at me. "Because I can. Now go get in the car you're going to be late." she said ushering me out.

"It was nice seeing you again Davie!" Connie yelled out to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Ya uh huh." waving a hand in the air.

I opened the garage door for my mom. She said thanks than I walked in and shut the door behind me leaving Connie all by her lonesome self.

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