Chapter Five: The Departure

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When we got back to the Mother Invention and went straight to Director's office for him to yell at us.

"You lost the package, have two damn agents injured, and didn't get any information back!" Director yelled.

"Sir with all do respect we tried but the guard is my brother and something  is wrong with him. He could push us around and throw us around like dolls without even touching us." I explained.

He paused, adjusted his standing position, and cleared his throat. "Well my suggestion is to kill the boy and get it over with but I guess we could test him to see what is wrong with him."

I sighed. "Don't do anything to cut him open. Just take his blood sir."

Director looked like he was calming down. Than he let out a very long sigh. "Yes of course we will. I don't want this to happen again ever. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes sir." We all chanted.


I started to head down to Recovery Two to go see if my brother was 'ok' and himself not this blood thirsty monster.

I got there and Alex was sitting up talking to the doctor. "Hey." I said to Alex looking at the doctor.

He glared at the doctor than looked back at me. "I hate him."

The doctor looked at him with a offended face. "Well than I will leave without the chart so you can see results that we got of your blood." He started to walk out. He stopped and grabbed my arm. "Be careful he is really upset right now." He whispered.

I watched the doctor walked away, turned around, and Alex was smiling. "I know you are scared wondering what is wrong and if it is bad."

"No I am not I am just eh with it." I said shrugging my shoulders.

He looked down at the chart. "I been having this 'problem'."

I cocked my head to the right side of my shoulder. "What are you talking about?"

He chuckles. "I found how to control these powers when you were gone after our house blew up."

I looked down shuffling my feet. "Yeah I kind know. I am really sorry for leaving you but..."

Alex put his hand up. "Don't even say sorry. I can understand now why you left to protect our country."

I chuckled and sat right on the chair that was next to the bed. "Yeah I guess." I stopped and thought about the mission and him throwing us like dolls. "So how can you do that?"

He looked at me with a weird expression on his face. "What are you talking about?"

I froze. "How did you throw us around like we were air?"

It seemed like he stopped and going through the memory. He shook his head. "I always had it. You were never there so I couldn't tell you because you were gone."

"When was this? Like how did you figure it out?" I asked with a concern voice.

He sighed. "Right after you signed up for the army."

I looked down at my feet. I remember the whole day. I was sitting in my room crying because my parents were killed by a man that was hurting my mother, and my dad was coming to save her but more people came, shot him and my mom. They were found in a ally between a bar and a motel.

I shook my head. "Yeah..."

I looked up and his blue eye was turning red. I got up backed up a few inches. "What the hell?" I  mumbled.

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