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"Now remember to behave, we'll see you at Christmas," my mother said as she and my father kissed me on my cheeks before I boarded the train, my carry-on bag at my side as I looked around the car for my friends.

"Daisy!" I heard my name being called and I looked up, smiling brightly and my best friend Eleanor, her black hair looking perfect as ever around her small shoulders.

I made my way to sit with her, Eileen and Blair, my friends I'd been close with since year 7 when I first started school with them at the private school we all attended, miles away from my home in London with my parents. I'd gotten used to not seeing much of them over the school year, I was now in year 12 and this was my last year at this school.

"I wonder who the new replacement is going to be for Professor Henderson," Eileen said. "I reckon whoever it is will be great."

"Oh please." I rolled my eyes at the silly thought. "No one will ever compare to Henderson. He was the best English teacher in the world, no questions."

"Oh Daisy, I'm sure you'll change your mind about that eventually," Eleanor said.

I was about to protest but was jolted forward by the sudden movement of the train taking off to head to the school.

"Hi Alex!" Blair waved behind me and I turned and smiled at my boyfriend being me, clearly attempting to scare me but his plans had been ruined by Blair.

"Damn you, Blair!" he laughed, sitting on the seat next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders, giving me a kiss on the lips. "I was going to scare you."

"That doesn't surprise me," I said. "You know, one of these days I'm going to be used to it and it won't be scary to me anymore."

"You'll never get used to me," he smiled, nuzzling his nose against mine. "I'm full of all kinds of surprises."

"Oh would you two lovebirds get a room?" Eleanor said, attempting to push us apart.

"Yeah, I don't want to look at that!" Blair said. "I'm getting offended by my heterophobia!"

I stuck my tongue out at them both, Alex kissing me on the cheek.

"But really, Alex, I spent time with you all summer and I'll get to see you all the time this year," I said. "Go ahead and spend some time with your friends."

"Yeah, plus we're having girls' time right now!" Eleanor said. "Get your y-chromosomes out of here!"

"Are you sure?" Alex asked me. "The boys can wait--"

"I insist," I smiled. "I'll see you when we get to the school."

"Well, okay." Alex kissed me briefly again before he squeezed my hand and departed to a seat a few aisles down with his friends.

We spent the train ride catching up from our summer. We arrived at the school around noon and the girls and I got into a cart with our bags with Alex and his friends, taking us to our dorm buildings. We went up to our room, the same since year 7 up on the top floor.

I threw my bag onto my bed and chattered with the girls as we walked down to the dining hall for lunch and welcoming to the school.

We took our usual seats, watching the kids in year 7 looking around confused and sitting at random tables.

The headmistress, Mrs. Morris rang the bell at the head of the dining hall to get our attention.

"Okay, settle down everyone, settle down! Take your seats please!" she helped usher kids into seats to get started.

After a long welcoming speech about the curriculum and "purpose" of the school and information about getting our schedules, she finally introduced the new teacher.

"Lastly, I would like to introduce our new English professor for years 11 and 12," she said. "Professor Hemmings. He has replaced Professor Henderson's classroom in Room 206."

A very tall blonde man with glasses stood from the staff table and smiled a little, waving to everyone, and sat back down.

"Bloody hell," Eleanor muttered. "That man is quite the sight."

I rolled my eyes. "He's good looking but he's probably an awful teacher. I hope I don't have him."

"Alright, alright," Mrs. Morris settled the mutters of excited girls down. "Lunch is now served."

Over lunch, Eileen and Eleanor wouldn't shut up about the new Professor and how they hoped they had him for a teacher, and Eleanor even made a comment about failing his class purposely just to get extra tutoring time with a wink at Eileen, who giggled. Blair and I sat unamused, rolling our eyes at their comments.

"Let's go get our schedules guys," I said, standing after finishing my lunch and tugging Eleanor's arm.

Together, we walked to the table with schedules laid out. Many people crowded around it, searching for theirs. I found mine and looked over it, cringing to realize that I did in fact have Professor Hemmings as my English teacher in my last hour.

"I have him last hour!" Eleanor said to me excitedly.

"Me too," I groaned. "He better not think he'll ever be able to replace Professor Henderson."

"Oh Daisy, just relax," Eleanor said, putting her arm around my shoulders as we walked towards our dorm bedrooms. "I'm sure he's a wonderful teacher. This school is one of the best in England, they wouldn't have hired him if he wasn't."

"I suppose." I still wasn't convinced.

"How about we just go back and worry about it later," Eleanor said. "We have a couple other classes together don't we?"

We exchanged our schedules and classes, discovering we had half of our classes together. I met with Alex in the library and found that we had a few classes together as well.

I went to sleep that night hoping for the best for this year but having a feeling it wouldn't be a normal one.

Little did I know that it was about to be the furthest from normal I'd ever had.

A/N: just something quick here! descriptions of the girls will arise throughout the story but I just wanted it to be clear that Alex is supposed to be like a young Johnny Depp bc holy hot damn mm
anyways I hope this story goes well and please vote and comment if you like it!

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