Michael leaves

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Rachel's pov:
I wake up to sounds coming from the kitchen so I get up and put on shorts and a tee shirt. I go downstairs to see Michael and Ashton making breakfast. "Morning Rach" ash says as I walk in, "morning" I say smiling and sitting on the counter. Then I realize, today's the day, I hugs Michael and start crying. "Don't go" I say hugging him. "I wish I didn't need too sweetie" he says hugging me back.
2 hours later.
Luke's pov:
We all get in the car to drive Michael to the airport, I look in the rear view mirror to see Rachel curled up to him. We get to the airport a while later and all get out. Rachel stays close to him as we walk in. I hugged her and held her in my arms while Michael went and got his bag checked. We go wait with him by the gate and I go to get us some drinks while we wait for his flight to be called. 20 minutes later I hear "flight 307 to Huston. Now boarding" we all hug him goodbye and Rachel hugged him last and started crying. "I'll be back in 2 weeks" he says hugging her wiping her tears. He gets up and gets on the plane. I look to see Rachel sitting on one of the chairs crying. "Awe Rachel" Ashton says picking her up and hugging her. "Let's go home and cuddle? Okay" he says looking at her. She nods and we walk out. I drive home and get back 20 minutes later. We all go inside and Rachel goes to get water. "I feel bad guys" she's gonna miss him a lot" Calum says as she walks upstairs to get her phone "I know" I say sighing. She comes back down and I pull her in to my arms and hold her. "Michael misses you" I say. "I miss him too" she says. She leans on me and she slowly drifts off to sleep.

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