Hospital. Again.

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I was in the kitchen getting a drink when I hear a gun. I thought it was from the boys game, so I ignored it. Then I look outside to see Rachel on the ground. I thought she was looking at the clouds, but when I went outside I had saw blood. I pick her up and out her on the couch inside and go to get the boys. "Guys! Rachel's hurt!" I say. Michael drops the hook he was reading and runs to the living room to see Rachel completely knocked out. He tries to shake her but nothing happened. Cal held him back as he cried. Luke and I cleaned up some of the blood and changed her shirt to her black green day shirt. I call the paramedics and they're here within 20 minutes. Mike and cal go in the ambulance with her as Luke and I go in the car. I grabbed her phone and her stuffed penguin before we left. When we got there Mike was in a ball crying. "She's in a coma". The doctor says as Luke and I walk over. My heart broke. I hugged Michael tightly as he cried more. We went into the room after surgery was over and I look to see her  hooked up to lots of machines. I miss her smiling face. We stayed for a few hours before leaving

3 days later

I sat beside Rachel and took her hand in mine. "I know you can't hear me baby girl. But I want you to know we all miss you so much. It's been sad without you at home. I miss seeing your happy face, your bright smile, you're beautiful eyes. I miss my baby, please wake up soon Rach" I say tearing up. I start to get up so ash can sit with her when I feel her lightly squeeze my hand. Ash noticed and called a doctor in. She did it again but a light tighter now. The place where she got shot was healing good. We waited 10 minutes before he eyes opened a little. "Who are you ?" She says looking at me. "Rachel. I'm your Boyfriend" I say. "I'm just Kidding Mike!" She says hugging me. "I missed you sooooo much baby girl" I say. Ash hugs her and she looks up. We get her stuff and head home. Luke and cal got so happy she was home so they hugged her lightly and Luke kissed her face a lot. She smiles. "Being home with you guys is my favourite thing" she says.

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