Rachel gets sick

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I woke up to the sound Rachel crying, I go to her room and see her sitting up in her bed. I look at the time and it was 11:30 am. "Rach, what's wrong?" I ask sitting at her feet. "I don't feel good" she says, I feel her forehead. "Awe Rach" I say she coughed. "Do you have a cold?" I say she nods. "I'm gonna go get you medicine and hot tea" I say getting up. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen "is Rachel still asleep" Luke asks me. "She has a cold" I say. "Awe" Mikey says. "I'm making her tea" I say. I get a mug, put a tea bag o let it sit for a bit before taking it out and putting sugar and milk in it before grabbing some pills and walking back upstairs. I put the tea and pills on her night stand, I put her hair up and get one of my shirts and a pair of her pyjama shorts for her to wear so she wasn't in fuzzy pants and her tee shirt. I open her window a little and I turn back to see her changed and drinking the tea. I sit beside her and she cuddles into me. Not long after I see the other Mikey walk up. "I have soup" he says coming into he room. She smiles. He put it on her nightstand and sits by her feet. "How you feeling sweetie" he asks. "Not so good" she says hugging me. He rubs her legs before getting up. "I'll be right back" he goes to his room and comes back with his guitar. He sits on her desk chair and moves it closer. "What song?" He asks as he tunes his guitar. The other two walk up. "How about the only reason?" Luke says sitting on her bed. Ashton sits beside him and I smile. "Sure!" I say. Michael starts playing the song. We all start singing. "You're the reason, the only reason" Michael finishes I look down at Rachel to see her falling asleep. "I'll stay with her just in case you guys go downstairs" I say "you sure mate?" Luke asks. "Yeah, I'll be okay" I say smiling. "Okay" Ashton says they all hug her before walking out. I see she feel asleep completely. "Feel better Rachel" I says laying down beside he falling asleep too.

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