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I woke up to Mike shaking me. "what?" I ask. "Rachel's gone" he says getting worried, her phone and ring are here" he says. I see its 10:00 am. I get up and throw on jeans and a shirt. The boys do the same and we go out to look.


I wake up in a dark room. I roll over to get my phone but it's not there. I turn on the lamp I found beside me and see there's one window in the room. I go to unlock the door but I can't. The door swings open and a guy walks in. "Boys. She's up" I hear a guy say. He turns on the light and I see his face. Brown hair. Green eyes. I try to run out but he slams me into the wall and kicks me. I fall to the floor and cry. The one guy stays back and closes the door. I move away thinking I'll get hurt even more. "Sweetie, I won't hurt you, I promise" he says. He grabs a cloth from the closet and wipes the blood off my face. "There, all better" he says. He smiles and grabs blankets, sheets and pillows for the mattress. He put them on and makes it for me before leaving. I lay on the bed and cry. I missed home. I miss the boys
1 month

We still had no idea where Rachel was. I started to think she died. I was in my room crying. Ash ran in and pulled me downstairs, I see on the tv that 2 men were arrested for the kidnapping of a child. "Why'd I need to see this" I ask. He doesn't answer. "Police have identified the girl as 15 year old Rachel Irwin" the reporter says. My eyes widen. "My baby" I say.
We waited hours till we heard the door. I go and get it and see a girl. She looked up and I saw it was Rachel. "Rach?" I ask. She nods. I hug her tightly. She cries into me. I carry her to the boys and they all attack her in a hug. We were all crying.  "Hungry baby girl?" Mike asks. She nodded. I went to go get her pizza. "I haven't had pizza in forever" she says taking a bite. I smile. We had our baby back. And we were so happy

It was around 11:00 at night when I feel Rach lay beside me. "Can I sleep with you?" She asks. I nod. She cuddles close into me. "We're never letting that happen to you again I promise princess" i says. She falls asleep in my arms. I smile. We had her back. I was never letting her go again. She's left us to many times. We can't let it happen again.

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