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I woke up to the boys around me "merry Christmas baby girl!" Ash says hugging me. The boys hug me and we go down to open gifts. Mike handed me a small box. I open it to see a pandora bracelet. "Mike! It's beautiful" I say. He smiles. I put it on and he kisses me. I open the boys gifts. Luke got me more nail polish and makeup. Ashton got me some books (Harry potter) and cal got me a beanie that said "fleck" and some boots. I handed them their gifts before sitting on the ground. I got Mike a few shirts. With the help of Luke. Ash I got him a gift card to Starbucks and some pics from London. I got Luke a penguin stuffed animal and a shirt that said "kings of penguins". Cal, well I got him the best gift ever. His sister. He hasn't seen her in a long time. The boys all handed me a group present. Which happened to be a book. But a song book. "It's for your songs, we know you love writing" Mike says. Bryana hands me a ring that said "love" I hug them all. I smiled. I hand Mali a necklace I got her. She smiles and hugs me. She puts on a necklace with my birth stone (ruby). The boys family's came over and we got more gifts. From Ashton's mom And siblings I got shoes and a phone case. Mikes parents got me a jacket and sunglasses. Cal's parents got me a back drop for my room. Luke's mom and dad got me perfume. Ben and Jack got me a flower crown and a earrings. I gave them the gifts. I go help the girls make dinner. Ash stood up. "I know we've had Rachel for almost a year, and this is our first Christmas with her. The boys and I would like to say we love you so much. We always will. Though you've had fights with all of us. We've all got mad at you. That doesn't change it. You're our little princess! We love you Rachel" he says. I hug him. "I love you guys too"
I say. The boys all hug me. I love them to death. 2016 down. Many years to go. I love them. Bryana and ash hug me. "And a thank you to Rachel for letting Bry and I be her parents. We love you princess!" Ashton adds. I tear up. I love them. So much.

So! That's the end. I had fun writing this!! I hope you all enjoyed. I know the ending wasn't the best but I tried. Tears, blood and sweat were put into this. Anyway. I'm starting the other book when it's 2017. Merry Christmas guys! Love you!

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