Broken hearts

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I walked up to Rachel's room to see her sitting on her bed with Michael. "You okay love?" I ask walking in. "Ash and her got in a fight..." Mikey says hugging her. "About what?" I ask sitting beside her pulling her into me "they stared arguing about stuff and he yelled at her saying she was making it easy for him to want to put her back up for adoption" he said. She was shaking. "Aw Rachel" I say hugging her tightly. "He hates me" she says. "Baby, no he doesn't" I say I look up to see ash in the door "you didn't mean what you said? Right?" I mouth he shakes his head. Rachel sees him and glares at him. "Go away Ashton" she says "baby, I didn't mean what I said. You know we'd never put you back up for adoption" he says taking her from me. He sits beside Michael and I and hugs her. "We love you baby girl, you're our little girl, we'd never give you away" he says. She hugs him back and Michael and I join in. Luke walks in and hugs her too. "We love you baby" we all say "I love you guys too" she says. "Bad news.... We have to go back on tour soon.. You need to stay back for 2 weeks before meeting us in L.A..." Ash says "why can't I come???" She asks "you'll be staying with my parents" Luke says. "Bens excited" he says hugging her "I wanna be with you guys" she says "we know but it's only two weeks" I say

2 weeks later

We all hugged our family's goodbye and I look to see Rachel crying. "Baby, it's only two weeks" I say hugging her "I know.." She says. Our flight was called and Rachel hugged us all crying. "I'll miss you baby" I say. We all say goodbye. And go to the plane "call me when you guys get there!!" She yells. "We will" I yell back.

"Come on sweetie pie" liz said coming over to me. I follow her out to the car with Ben and jack following behind. W stopped of at the house to get brownie, and my bag. I snuck into all the boys room and took a shirt "I put Them in my bag and say Ben holding brownie and her food and water bowl, her lease and toys. I put my bag and all her stuff that was in a different bag in the trunk before getting in. "You'll be okay Rachel" Ben says getting in beside me and giving me brownie. "I'll miss them" I say crying.

2 weeks later
I just got to the airport in L.A Luke's mom and dad were taking care of brownie for me. Luke tackled me in a hug as soon as he saw me "Luke!!" I say hugging him tightly. "Rachel!!" He says hugging back. Ash and cal pick me up and hug m tightly. "Rachel!!" Ash said hugging me tightly. I look to see Michael standing there "Mikey!!!" I say jumping on him. "Monkey!!" He says hugging me. I cry into him "don't cry baby" he says. "I missed you so much" I say "I Know baby girl" he says we get my bags and go to the car with Dave and three other security guards making sure we didn't get mobbed by fans. We get in the car and go to the hotel. When we do I remembered I still had the guys shirts in my bag. "I kinda have one shirt from each of you guys..." I say "my mom told me" Luke said smiling. "Just be happy you're with us for the rest of the tour" ash says "you're back with your caring, supportive, loving and awesome family" Luke said. "I missed you guys so much" i said hugging them. "We missed you too baby" Mikey says "we'd never give you up." Ash says "we'll love you forever and always" cal says "promise?" I ask them "we promise" they all say. I smile. I was back with my four supportive family members. My family I'll love forever and always.

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