Rachel meets the paps/fans

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Ashton's pov:

It was 7:00 am and I was scrolling through Twitter when I decide I should go apologize to Rachel for what happened last night. I go to her room and don't see her there, I go check with the guys and see her sleeping with Michael. I go in and pick her up bringing her to my room. She woke up and glared at me. She gets up and walks to the door. I bloke her from leaving. "Move" she said trying to push me out of the way. "Rachel, I'm sorry about yesterday" I say looking at her. "What about yesterday?" She asks. "Sorry for hurting your wrist" I say, she hugged me and smiled. "It's okay Ashton, I still love you" she says. I smile and hug her back. "Wanna come get food?" I ask she nods and I let her go change, I put on jeans and a tee shirt and she puts on blue jeans, a sweater and black boots snd keeps her hair down before meeting me downstairs. I smile and start making food. I hear Michael wake up and walk downstairs into the kitchen. "Morning Rachel" he says kissing her head. "Morning Michael" she says smiling. "Hey ash" he says making a coffee. "Hi" I say back giving Rachel her eggs and bacon. The other 2 walk downstairs and into the kitchen. "We have a photo shoot today" cal reminds us. "Do I get to come?" Rachel asked me. "Of course" I say smiling "yay!!" She says getting up and going to brush her teeth. We leave 20 minutes later and arrive at the studio to be mobbed by fans and paparazzi. Rachel stayed close to cal the whole time. The fans and paparazzi were getting close to her and I could tell she didn't really like it so I pull her into my arms and answered the questions she was getting asked. The fans were pretty rude to her, yelling mean things, calling her names, I kept walking ignoring them, we get in and get to the stage and go on, Rachel stayed off to the side for a bit before we called her over, I pulled her into my arms. "She's a little angel, she's amazing, sweet, caring, smart, funny and adorable, I'm glad we adopted her" Michael says smiling, Luke, Calum and I agree with him, "I love these guys a lot, they're amazing, sweet, talented, caring and loving, I love being adopted by them" she says smiling. We all smile and hug her. After 2 hours we go home and I check Twitter to see the fans hating on Rachel. I look over to where I thought she'd be sitting and she's not there. I go and check her room to see her sitting in her bed crying. "Awe Rachel, I'm sorry about the hate" I say sitting beside her hugging her, she hugs me back and explains what happened at the studio. I hold her close and start singing amniesa in her ear. She falls asleep soon after and I kiss her cheek before falling asleep too.

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