Chapter Ten

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Randhir closed the book instantly after reading it. Sanyukta said nothing...because something that was whirling in their mind didn't let them speak. It reminded them of their first kiss! Be it a hate kiss, but a kiss is kiss always! Randhir could still feel the soft touch of her lips on his' must admit, he had been through the impact of their kiss but never he did accept it and so it was veiled with his ego, the fact that they were together, hell close in a blanket made him feel bit nervous all of sudden!

Minutes passed like that and they both even didn't look at each other, they didn't even exchange a word either... The deadly eerie silence hanging around them made them even more uncomfortable; randhir was turning restless and was shifting in his place incessantly. He couldn't resist it anymore and began to steal glances at her from the corner of his eye! To his surprise she too looked so restless and nervous.

"was she thinking about me??" he asked himself but before he could Answer himself she turned to face him, randhir immediately averted his gaze, cause he knew he couldn't control the urge to kiss her anymore..!

"Rand...." "sanyuk..." they both spoke at the same time and smiled at that

"You say first" he managed hard to speak looking here and there trying to suppress his urge to kiss her,

"No! You first" she insisted making puppy face and his heart melted,

"Umm! I... am... Uh... Nothing!" he stammered... She was shocked to see him in such state, he was entirely different to that randhir shekawat whom she had seen just hours back, in the scrap yard!

"whaatt?" she raised her brows

"Umm! Nothing, I am hungry I think" randhir said wondering at himself that why did he said that. "Oops!" He knew, he said that instead of saying something else! But she was smiling at him! She quickly grabbed her handbag and rummaged it. Couple of seconds later, she ended up taking out a chocolate, she was smiling as if she discovered a hidden earth treasure! Randhir just couldn't help smiling at her quintessence...

"yelo... this is what all I have" she said handing it to him. He smiled as he took the chocolate from her hands; he meekly took a bite and silently passed it to her

"Uh? You sure!?" she mocked and sarcasm dripped her tone.

"Oh c'mon" randhir rolled his eyes

"Okay okay!" she smiled and took the chocolate

That went in silence for a couple of minutes, all the while sanyukta's mind was racing with thoughts. She felt the difference. She couldn't even relate the randhir singh shekawat with whom she spent 4 years in the college to the randhir singh shekawat of those particular 4 hours. She loved the way with him and never wanted the moment to go. So she decided to speak.

"randhir" she called out passing the chocolate to him.

Never Let You Go.(Vardhan_Niharika Fanfiction #sadda_haq)*unedited*Where stories live. Discover now