Chapter Eleven

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10th Nov 1997

I was already late to the class by 10 minutes as I woke up late that morning. Days after our village trip and that night, we were assigned to a new dream team task! And last night it was almost 2 when we completed studying the engine models. I guess even niha wouldn't attend the class that day. And that's what happened. I rushed to the class and heaved a sigh of relief as the professor still didn't came to the class. I looked around and found that Niha was absent. She skipped the class.

I silently walked to the last bench and sat there, I was still sleepy and I felt my eyes too heavy. I rested my head on the desk to take a nap before professor enters the class... But before I did something like that professor entered the class and began his lecture. But my mind was registering nothing. Everything seemed so blurry. With every passing second it turned so hard to keep my eyes open but still I was trying my best to be awake if not at least to pretend... But, who doesn't know? Even a war could be stopped but sleep could never be! Offo! After several vain trails. I gave up letting the sleep to win!

When I was about to slip into kip, I felt something light hit me against my shoulder, it came from the window side and thus made me turn sideways. Aaah! It's again her, my angel niha, in white and white. Came to my rescue, spreading her wings wide, with wand in her hand and diffusing her fragrance in air,. I saw her throwing something at me. I was smiling dreamily at her and the next moment I felt something hit me again! Oh wait! ain't I dreaming?? And this is happening for real?? I rubbed my eyes as I was hit with another crumbled paper again. I lowered my gaze and found few crumbled papers down on the floor and looked sideways again. I found her hitting her head desperately and gesturing something to me. I couldn't understand her, so I bent down taking one of the crumbled papers to hand and opened it

"Come out" scribbled on it

"What?" I gestured back rising my head to face her

"Come out dumbo" she mouthed

"I am in class" I mouthed back. She rolled her eyes, took out her book and began to scribble something. Seconds later she threw it again

"accha! I thought that you are in theater!!! Don't act too smart Mr. Engineer, I know you are sleeping in class, just come out now!" read the note...I read it and gave her a sheepish grin

"Canteen, 5 minutes!" she mouthed showing me her 5 fingers and she left. I was smiling stupidly, recalling her acts, staring out even when she's not there.

"vardhaan" my prof. Screamed throwing chalk at me and bringing me back to the world.

"Sir..." I stood up with blank expression 

"if you are not interested, just get lost! Got it?" he barked...

a mischievous smile crept to my lips but i suppressed it "yaay! No need to plan an escape vardhan... Now you can go out officially" I said to myself suppressing my giggle... Couple of minutes later, I found myself in the hall way treading towards the canteen! 

Never Let You Go.(Vardhan_Niharika Fanfiction #sadda_haq)*unedited*Where stories live. Discover now