Chapter 30

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Because this is what I think hungover/sleepy Zayn looks like.

Charlie's POV

Oh I'm mad. Steaming, in fact. The fact that that she-devil can lie to someone about something that huge-just fuck with someone's emotions and not even think twice? It drives me insane. So much so that I can't even stop my foot from tapping as I sit in the back of the taxi. 

The cab's traveling agonizingly slow this time around to the Upper West Side. I haven't quite mapped out exactly what to say to her per se, but I do know the gist and that this visit is long overdue.

What confuses me is that I heard through the grapevine that this girl is less well off, but Upper West Side isn't exactly a cheap place to live. Not that it's cheap to live anywhere in the city, but still, this place is like...a really good area. Something's up.

I think back to how completely and utterly broken my babe looked, and it pisses me off so much. She's like a a leech. She just slowly bled everything out of him, until there was nothing left but a broken man. And we fought like Hell to get him away from who he used to be, only for her to drag him back there.

And poor Adrian; my God, that poor baby. His mother's a slut monkey, and then he's made to believe his father is someone who's not. Does she even know who his father is? I mean, she went so far as to have him call Zayn daddy knowing damn well he wasn't, and I'm sure Adrian is just as clueless as the rest of us. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Adrian wasn't even her son.

I just don't understand why she would arbitrarily pick Zayn. She must have developed this weird obsession attachment thing after they slept together; that's the only thing I can think of. And you know, this whole thing eerily reminds me of Blake. Her persistence and determination to stop at nothing to destroy him, dragging everyone down without a care in the world.

As awkward as it might be, I think maybe I should talk to Talia. I feel like she would have some answers because this just isn't adding up in my head. And she did admit to them being friends some time ago. They had a falling out though, and I'm curious as to why.

His phone dings then.

From: Genevieve


You know, she must really be mental, thinking that he would ever want to be with her. And if she thinks I would just let that happen, well then. I have no words because clearly getting punched in the eye didn't knock any sense into her.

As if he would leave the kids and I for her. As if. It took me a while to realize, but I know that now.

Shit, the kids.

Yeah, so I'm not sure if leaving them with Zayn was a good idea, but I'm already in the cab now, so.

But what if they wake up and need something? And he's practically dead to the world right now, so there's no way they'll be able to get him out of bed. Or-oh God- what if there's an emergency and I took his phone...frick. Though I did leave him mine. They're fine-they'll be fine. All is well.

I'll just text Harry and ask him if he can swing by and check on things because I'm not sure how long I'm gonna be. I know I've got quite a few things to say to her and I'm just so fucking mad that I'll probably-

"Seventeen even."

Well damn, that's kind of pricey; god thing I bought enough cash. Man, I must've zoned for a while cause we're already here. I quickly look up into the rearview mirror before handing the man exact cash and sliding out of the taxi.

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