Gettin' the girl.

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You and the three members of The Shield have been very good friends for years, they are like your older brothers. Except for Dean. You couldn't see Dean as a brother. Why? Because you loved him. He had you from the very first moment. But you didn't want to make things weird with all of you and you were sure he didn't see you the same way, so you never told him. Except he did. And he never told you for the exact same reasons.

"Roman, c'mon, it's pretty obvious! He loves her." Seth tells Roman trying to reason him. "Think about it. When was the last time you saw Dean with a girl? Talking about another girl besides (Y/N)?" Roman opens his mouth to speak, but Seth cuts him off. "That's what I thought. And let's be honest, the way he looks at her, and he doesn't even look the same when she's around. He lights up. And you know it's true."

"Okay, fine. It is true. I've noticed it also before, but I thought I was just seeing things where there were any... But now that you mentioned it too... Hmmm. And what about (Y/N)?" Roman asks Seth.

"Are you serious? She is crazy about him. She really loves him. Last week, I heard her talk to Nattie..." Roman gives Seth a disapproving look. "Oh c'mon, it was not on purpose! Anyway, I heard her saying how much she loved him and that she would never ever tell him because she didn't want to ruin things and make things weird, stuff like that. Plus, just like Dean, the way she looks at him... C'mon Ro, we have to do something about them."

"Okay, fine. So they're in love with each other. You're right, but what can we do then?"

"I don't know yet... but maybe we should confront Dean first. Or maybe... well, I just had an idea." Seth says smiling.

"Hey girl!" Seth says.

"Hey dork!" You said while pulling him into a hug, both of you grinning.

"So, (Y/N), I was planning on going out to the cinema tonight, do you wanna join me? The original plan was the four of us going to the cinema, but the guys don't really feel like it, so you're my last hope! Pleaaaaase!" He pouts. He looks like a big baby, how cute.

"Yeah sure! I haven't gone to the cinema in ageeees, plus I totally could use some distractions, my head has been a mess."

"Look, if you ever need to talk or anything, you know you can count on me. Always." Seth says while cupping your face. Then he steps back and says: "Deal then! Be ready at 8pm."

"I know, thank you." You give him a soft smile. "Okay, 8pm it is." He nods and leaves.

Later at the locker room, Dean is sitting on the couch looking at the walls, doing nothing. Until someone opens the door. It's Seth.

"Hey Dean!" Seth says while Dean shooks his fist agains his.

"Heyo Seth." Dean says.

"What are you doing, man?"

"Ahmmm, nothing... I was just here, y'know..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just tired..."

"Okay, fine... if you say so. I'm gonna get ready." Seth says while heading to the shower. Time to start the plan.

Then the door opens again. It's Roman.

"Hey bro!" Roman says to Dean.


"Are you going out with (Y/N)?"

"No, why are you asking?" Dean looks really confused.

"Ahmm, because she is outside looking smokin' hot and beautiful and I asked her if she was going out and she said yes. So, she is not going out with the 3 of us, she is not going out with me, she is not going out with, where is Seth?"

"He... He is in the shower... He said something about getting ready..." Suddenly it hits Dean. "Wow, that motherfucker..." He almost whispers.

"Wait... what- but what-" Roman starts to talk but Dean cuts him off.

"Hell, he's going to take her out. How could he?" Anger and jealousy are now boiling in Dean's soul. "I love her. How- Why didn't I tell her before? Now I'm gonna lose her. To my fucking brother."

Suddenly, Seth appears, coming from the shower, smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, finally you admit you love (Y/N)." Now turning to Roman. "See Ro, I told ya." Now, both Roman and Seth are smiling.

"Go get ready and go get the girl, you stubborn idiot!" Seth says to a confused Dean.

"What? You guys did all this so I... You guys are the worst and the best, I swear. I was about to kill you, y'know?"

The three of them all laughing now. Dean gets ready and then, right before he leaves, Roman and Seth hug him and wish him good luck.

"C'mon big guy, good luck!" They say in unisson.

(Y/N) is sitting outside waiting for Seth. She is dressed in a white basic top with a red plaid shirt, casual jeans and her nike's. She looks absolutely stunning.

"(Y/N)..." You look behind you only to see Dean standing there looking gorgeous, leaving you breathless.

"Hey... Dean. Wha- what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take the woman I love on a date." He says with a cute playful look on his face, so full of love.

"Oh... I'm sure she'll love it." You say not being able to cover the heartbroken look on your face.

"Oh I hope she will. I've been pining over her for so long, y'know. She is this gorgeous..." You are not ready to hear him talk about how he loves some other girl, but you let him continue. "... beautiful girl, she's so genuine and I love her. She knows me better than anyone." He keeps talking and gettin' closer to you. "She's is my best friend. She's you. And I want you to be mine."

You are absolutely shocked, you didn't see it coming. Dean loves you. You're speechless, it was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to you.

"I- I don't know what to say, I swear. I just... I love you so much, Dean."

His breath hitched, his hands resting on your waist, your arms rounding his neck. He looks right in your eyes, then at your lips, then at your eyes again, like he's asking for permission. You smile shyly and nod. He leans down and kisses your lips so softly, filled with love. Then, he pulls back, both of you smiling, he leans down again, you're pulling him to you and he's holding you tight, now deepening the kiss and you allow him access. After a couple of minutes, you stop kissing.

"Well, let's go to our date?" Dean says putting a bit of your hair behind your ear.

"Yeees!" He gives you a light kiss on the lips lacing your fingers together as you both start walking to the car.

Hiding in the building were Roman and Seth. They high-fived each other, huge smile on their faces. Mission accomplished.

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