His girl. Her man.

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You and Dean have known each other since almost forever, you were 5 and he was 7. You two became inseparable, real best friends. You did everything together, you even started with wrestling together, Dean called it "your first bestfriend-adventure together", despite having had a thousand other adventures before that one. But now looking back this one was the most important of all because you found, for the first time, two important things, two things to live for: love and wrestling.

Dean was your first boyfriend, your first kiss, your first time, your everything. But 4 years ago, everything changed. WWE hired you but didn't hire Dean. You tried to keep in touch but he seemed distant and distant day by day. Until one day you two just didn't talk at all. You miss him so much and pray that he misses you too, and he does.

Sometimes at night, you and Dean go through some of your photos together, missing all those moments you spent, as the saying says "side by side or miles apart, true friends are always close to the heart." You love him, you never stopped loving him. You had a couple of boyfriends in those 4 years, but at the end it was always about Dean. And it hurts so much because you know he doesn't care about you anymore, you try to call every once in while but you never get a call or a message back. And it hurts even more because you know you'll never love anyone as much as you love him, he's it for you, he always was, but you have to get over it and live with it.

Monday. You get up, eat your breakfast, get ready and head for the arena. When you get there, Paige is already waiting for you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Good morning!" She says enthusiastically.

"Hello Paige! Good morning to you too, you seem to be in a very good mood, any particular reason?" You smile at her.

"What? You haven't heard?"

"Well, then something happened. Please feel free to fill me in." You say now getting curious.

"Hello (Y/N), where have you been?" Paige asks sarcastically. "You haven't heard about the new guy? Arrhm, let me correct myself, the new hot and... sexy... and mr. blue eyes guy?" Paige has this please-tell-me-you're-joking look on her face.

"Ahhmmm, nope."

"Oh my god, don't tell that to anyone, okay." Paige pretends to feel offended, you giggle and nod. "Come with me, I'll introduce you." She says grabbing your hand and pulling you.

"Okay fine, calm down."

After walking in two small corridors, she stops, you stop right after her. A man stands with his back turned at you a few metters. You know that hair, that pose. It can't be.

"Well, here he is." Paige whispers. "Hey Dean, I have someone to meet you here."

Dean turns to face both of you. He has a smile on his face but soon his smile fades when he sees your face. Paige notices the look on both of your faces.

"Do... Do you know each other?" Paige says softly evaluating your reactions.

"Yeah... for a very long time actually..." You say.

"Yeah..." Dean nods, not being able to take his eyes off you.

"Well, I should- I should get going." You affirm and storm off the corridor to your locker room.

When you get there, you start breathing heavily, your hands shaking. You're so happy but you're so sad at the same time. You just want to hug him and kiss him but you also want to punch him and ask him why did he stop talking to you. But you're not sure you want to hear his explanations.

(meanwhile in the corridor)

"What did I miss?" Paige asks Dean.

"Ahmm, nothing... Everything's okay." Dean tries to cover his sadness with a smile.

"I know we don't know each other too well, but I'm not buying it... Plus, I know (Y/N) for years now, so I know something is not okay."

"Look..." Dean doesn't know where to begin. "She never... She never mentioned me?"

"She mentioned a guy some times. She said she really loved him and would do everything for him... but he really broke her heart when she came to the WWE, but she never said his name..."

"Well... that'd would be me..." Dean says with a sad smile. Paige nods encouraging him to continue speaking. "Look, I was not ready to lose her. I panicked, I was a coward and I let her go... And now it's too late. I love her but there is no turning back... You saw the look on her face..." He says looking at the ground.

"Yeah, you're damn right I saw her face... It's the face of a woman deeply in love with a guy but thinks he doesn't feel the same about her. That was her face."

"Are you... Are you sure?" Dean looks at Paige, hopeful.

"Yeah, believe me... I know her." Paige smiles softly at Dean. "Now, go meet her, tell her what you told me. Go get your girl."

Dean smiles and shooks his fist against Paige's. "Wish me luck." She smiles and lip syncs 'Good luck' to him.

You're sitting at the couch placed in your locker room, your hands covering your face, your elbows placed on your knees. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Come in..." You say thinking it's Paige. But it isn't. "Dean... what-"

"I missed the way you say my name, (Y/N)." He cuts you off.

"I missed the way you say my name too." You confess, looking at the ground.

"Look... I need you to hear me out, okay?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah... fine, go ahead, I'm all ears." You say in a neutral tone.

"I am so sorry... I was not ready to lose you... I panicked. I didn't know what to do, I just didn't want to lose you. But I was a coward, I pushed you away, I ignored you... I let you go... And I couldn't regret it more. Maybe now it's too late, maybe there is no turning back, maybe you moved on... But I needed you to know this. I never stopped loving you." You look up at him now, he kneels in front of you. "I love you, (Y/N)." He says looking at you right in your eyes. "I'm sorry if I hurt you... I never meant to hurt... I just... being away from you, the thought of losing you messed with my head... and with that I really lost you."

"You're a big idiot, you know that?" You say placing a hand on his cheek, caressing it, he smiles. "You're lucky I love you so much, you know that?"

He looks at your lips briefly, then at your eyes. You nod softly. Still on his knees, he places his hands on your waist, your arms around his neck pulling him close. First he teases you, his nose caressing yours, his lips passing over yours softly. But then, you're done with teasing so you pull him to you and you two kiss passionately. Oh, how you miss his kiss, his touch... everything. His tongue begs for entrance and you grant it.

The kiss last a couple of minutes, then he pulls back.

" I missed you so much, (Y/N). I love you and I'll never ever let you go." He says while places his forehead against yours.

"You better not, Mr. I'll kick your ass if you do." You both laugh. "I love you too. So much."

"Will you be my girl?"

"I never stopped being your girl. Iwas and I will always be your girl."

"And I never stopped being your man."

He smiles at you, how you missed those dimples, and kisses you again, then embracing you in a tight hug. Now everything is alright. She being his girl. He being her man.

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