"Hey, I love you but no fucking way.".

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With tears in my eyes, I begged you to stay, you said "Hey, I love you but no fucking way.".

And it hurt so much... It hurt so much to see you walk out that door... Leaving me, my love, our future, behind. It hurt that you chose to continue living your life without me. You cut me off just like that...

How could you tell me that you loved me? How? How could you say it to my face, only to leave me 5 seconds later? If you ever loved me, you would never do something like this.

You fear change. You fear love. And you couldn't grow some balls to fight for something better, to fight for your life, to fight for love... You chose the easier way. I guess I wasn't enough for you. I wasn't worth the trouble, right?

Secretly, I hope someday you wake up in the morning and realize what you've been missing... No! What you missed. You lost me that day. You broke my heart in a way no one ever did. And no one ever will again.

You know why? Because I never loved someone like I love... like I loved you. And I'll never love someone that way again. So, no one will have the opportunity to hurt me that way again.

And again, you know why? Because you are the love of my life. And you will always be.

Dean Ambrose - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now