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You're not that typical girl prototype, you're what is called a tomboy. You rarely used a dress or high heels, you hate to go shopping, you're not obsessed with makeup, and lots of other things. Instead you love to wear jeans and your black leather jacket, you always wear a pair of your Nike's collection, your wavy brown hair is most of the time in a tight or messy bun, you love metal and hard rock, etc. Sometimes people look at your weirdly, but you don't care. The ones that matter, your family, friends and boyfriend, love you the way you are and that's what matters to you.

Dean Ambrose is your boyfriend, you've been dating for a while now but only your closest friends and your family know about it. You were childhood best friends, then never saw each other again for years and years, but, a year ago, destiny managed to get you together again. And you couldn't happier than you are now.

It's Saturday morning. You open your eyes slowly, trying to adjust them to the light that's coming from the window. Suddenly, you feel Dean's arm hugging your waist and pulling you close. You love when he does that. Being in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body... are the best things in the world. You react by putting your hand over his.

"Hmm... Good morning, beautiful." Dean whispers in your ear, then placing soft kisses behind it and down your neck.

"Good morning, dork." You giggle, turning around to face him, his arm still on your waist.

"Dork? You're lucky I love you." He pouts, making you giggle harder.

"I love you too." You whisper against his lips. He's smiling against your lips, and you smile back. These are the best kisses. So passionate, so true, so real.

"I need to get up, ugh." He says after breaking the kiss. You have a questioning look on his face and he notices it, he knows you so well. "I have this interview... You can see it live on TV..." He shrugs.

"Yeah sure, of course I will!" You say excitedly, but he looks down, not facing you. And by the look on his face he's not as excited as you are. "Dean, baby..." You say, making him face you again. "I know you don't like interviews very much... but you have to go, it's a part of your job. Your fans support you and absolutely love you and they will always do." You're caressing his cheek, and finally manage to put a small on his face. "And so will I. You have no idea how much I love you and how proud of you I am. So, you get down there and kick that interview's ass." You smile widely.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). I don't know what I'd do without you." He says sincerely. You blush a little bit and try to hide your face with the covers. That's when you feel his hand, which was on your waist, make its way to your cheek, his thumb caressing it softly. "I love you." He whispers, his eyes never leaving yours. Then, he starts leaning in and kisses you once more, this one even more special and heartfelt. You love this man so much.

The interview is starting in a couple of seconds. Nikki and Becky, your best friends, made their way to your house earlier to spend some time and watch it with you.

"There he is!" Becky almost yells.

"Your man is looking fineeeee." Nikki chuckles.

"He is, isn't he?" You manage to reply, you're pretty sure you have this lovey-dovey, drooling look on your face but you honestly don't care.

"Hey (Y/N), take this napkin, you have a little bit of drool, right here." Becky says, placing the napkin on your chin, making the three of you laugh your asses off.

After a couple of minutes and questions about his wrestling career, the interviewer asks him something that almost makes your eyes pop out, because you weren't expecting and Dean surely wasn't either.

"So... the fangirls want to know... What's your type?"

"Why is she making personal questions? Isn't this supposed to be only about wrestling?" You manage to ask.

"Hmmm, nope... They always ask questions like this." Nikki says.

"Yep, it's true... especially, if it's the most idolized guys in the business." Becky adds.

You only nod, then a smile makes its way towards your lips, because you just realized Dean has described you. The girls noticed it too, as they started "aww"-ing.

"Okay, that's the first question your fans wanted to know, here goes the second... are you dating?"

"Is she serious? Oh my god." You say, shocked.

Nikki was about to say something, when Dean started answering the question.

"Actually, I am." Dean says.

"You are?" The interviewer asks.

"Yeah, I am. I'm dating this beautiful, intelligent woman. She is actually the best person I've ever met. I know her since our childhood days, then we lost contact, but thankfully I got her back!" He chuckles nervously. "I was in a bad place when she reappeared in my life and... she helped me through. She made me a better man, she brought me back to life. She knows me like no one else does, she's always there for me. And I... I honestly don't know where I'd be without her. She's my guiding light. And I'm telling you right now, I'm gonna make her my wife someday." He says looking at the interviewer, who just smiles widely. Then, he turns his face to the camera. "I love you, baby."

"That was so sweet and romantic, Dean." The interviewer acknowledges. "There you have your answers, girl. The man is taken." She says looking at the camera. Then she faces Dean. "Thank you for being here." She smiles.

"Thank you." He says, a wide smile on his face and a slight blush on his cheeks. Then the interview ends.

You're close to tears, your mouth open in slight shock, your hand covering it. Did this just happen? He said he wanted to marry you. He said so many things... You weren't expecting this at all. You love him so much. He's you guiding light. Your thoughts are interrupted by Nikki's and Becky's yelling.

"OH MY GOD!" Nikki yells. "THAT WAS SO ROMANTIC AND SWEET AND ADORABLE AND OH MY GOD!" She's literally jumping all over your living room.


"He will just not now." You say, giggling a bit.

"OH YES HE WILL, YOU'LL SEE!" Nikki replies.

"I love him so much." You manage to say, a tear slipping down your cheek.

"Oh my god, are you crying?" Nikki asks.

"Yeah, but they're happy tears." You chuckle.

"Awwwww." They both say in unison, then giving you a big bear hug. "We love you!"

"I love you guys too."

The girls had left an hour ago. Finally, you hear the front door crack open. It's Dean.

"Hey baby." He says, a small smile on his face.

"Hiiii." You reply, in a very weird but cute tone.

"So, did you watch the interview?" He asks, managing to read your reaction.

"Yeah, I did."

"So..." He says, trying to make you continue speaking.

"So... I love you. You're the man of my life." You say softly, making his eyes sparkle and his dimples appear bigger than ever. He pulls you to him by your waist, your arms then placed around his neck. "Nothing that I didn't know of before, but now I'm just 200% sure you are." You chuckle.

"You're the woman of my life. And I wasn't kidding when I said what I did..." He says, a serious yet nervous look on his face now, as he pulls away from you, leaving you with a confused look on his face. That's when he gets down on one knee.

"So, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you make me the happiest man on this planet and marry me?" He finally pops up the question. Your hands are against your mouth, you're shocked. You never thought he'd asked you to marry him today.

"Oh my god, Dean." You whisper. "Yes, yes. Yes! Of course, I'll marry you." You say, emotionally, as he slips the beautiful yet simple ring through your finger. "I love you so much." You pull him into his arms, then he picks up spinning you around the living room.

What's meant to be will always find a way.

Dean Ambrose - One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें