Natural Flirt

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You joined the WWE to be an interviewer/announcer, almost a year ago. Your boyfriend broke up with you over that exact decision, claiming that if you really loved him you'd say no to the offer.

But it was your life, your dream... Plus, he didn't own you. And to be honest, you had been thinking about ending it for a couple of weeks. It just... wasn't good or healthy for you anymore.

Since then, you've been alone. Not even having one night stands or whatever. You just took some needed time for yourself. But over the past few months, Dean Ambrose has grown very flirty and nice towards you.

You didn't exactly complain. He was attractive, he was adorable, he was funny... He never failed to make you laugh. There was just something about him, that always drew you.


You have just been told you had to interview Dean at the ring. It caught you by surprise; you didn't even watched his match. Dean had just finished his match, so you joined him at the ring, as Baron walked backstage.

Sweaty, and shirtless, he might've lost his shirt somehow during the match, he stops pacing around, and stands in front of you. You couldn't stop yourself from taking a quick glance at his chest and arms.

He takes the mic from one of the assistants, and then glances down at you, right in the eyes, and starts smirking.

"What?" You ask, only to him, not on the mic, blushing softly, knowing you got caught, and almost forgetting you're in the middle of the ring.

"Like what you see?" He chuckles, now talking on the mic, and winks at you. Then, starts bouncing his pecs. "Uh?" He pressures, still grinning, as he keeps doing that chest dance.

The crowds starts cheering and clapping while shouting "Yes", mimicking Daniel Bryan.

"Have you had enough?" You cross your arms over your chest, fighting a smile.

"Nah, I like seeing you all blushing." He replies, grinning. "Isn't she adorable?" He asks, pointing the mic to the crowd as they went wild screaming 'yes'. "You're beautiful, darling."

"Thank you." You stammer, somehow maintaining your composure. Suddenly, the crowd started screaming 'ask her out'.

"I'm trying to!" He replies to the fans in general, a small blush tinting his cheeks. Then, their chants changed to 'say yes'.

"Dean, let's talk about your match." You cut them off, clearing your throat, trying very hard to stop blushing and forget his shameless flirting live.

"Sure." He complies.

"So, what-" You start articulating your question, but once again, he didn't let you finish.

"We came to the ring, we fought, I kicked his ass and I'm standing tall. Yeah. That's pretty much it." He resumes 20 minutes of wrestling this way, leaving you speechless.

"O-okay then." You stutter, slightly embarrassed.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He flirts yet again, his eyes gazing into your sincerely.

"Uh, you just did... a couple of minutes ago." You try and make a joke out of it. But the crowd kept cheering.

"Yeah, I know. I just think-" He starts elaborating but you had to cut him off, this was being too much.

"About the match. Do you think Baron will want revenge?" You clear your throat, shooting him a look urging him to reply accordingly.

"Yeah, he will. I mean, he's the Lone Wolf and I just kicked his ass, so..." He replies, now seriously, with no games. "Anyways, bring it on, I'll be right here."

"You guys heard him. Thank you, Dean." You smile, finding a way to finish this awkward interview, hoping WWE would move to the next segment, and they did, thankfully.

You got off the ring, and headed backstage, followed by Dean.

"Hey, hey, wait." He stops you as soon as you get backstage, grabbing your wrist gently. You turn to face him. "I... Uh, I meant what I said back there."

"Yeah, what exactly was that back there, Dean? We were working. We'll most likely be in trouble for it." You didn't want to turn this into a lecture, but you had to be realistic.

"We won't. The crowd loved it. They were cheering the whole time." He assures you, softly. "And I'm just tired of beating around the bush, (y/n)."

"I hope you're right..." You sigh. "And what do you mean?" You ask, confused.

"What I mean is... I like you. A lot. And I really think you're beautiful, darling. And I meant it when I said I wanted to ask you out." He spits out quickly in nervousness. You bite your lip at how adorable he is.

"Is that your way of asking me out?" You grin, pressing your hands against his pecs.

"Y-yeah." He stammers, displaying a nervous smile.

"Then, my answer is... yes. I will go out with you." You reply, the both of you smiling shyly at each other. "But-"

"I knew there'd be a 'but'..." He sighs, hanging his head low.

"No more flirting like that while we're live and working, okay?" You plead, still smiling.

"Okay, I promise... I'll try, at least." He smirks, and you know he's just teasing you. You punch his chest playfully. He pretends to be hurt, and that's when you both notice you're still touching his pecs. "Man, you really love them, don't you?" He chuckles, bouncing them again, but now under your touch. You blush, and start chuckling.


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