"I love you. And because I love you, I have to leave you."

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"I love you. And because I love you, I have to leave you."

"Dean? What the hell?" You shout, obviously thinking he's pranking you. But his face is dead serious.

"Yes, what you heard. I'm breaking up with you." He says, nonchalantly, trying to hide his feelings. He feels he's a burden to you, he can't hold you back like that, and if breaking your heart is the right day, he'll do it.

"Dean, stop, you're not making any sense." You reply, breathlessly. You're so shocked, you can't even think straight.

"No, you stop it! I'm no good for you. You deserve so much more than this. And you're no good for me, I need to be at my best, bring my A game, so I can't be with you. We're better off without each other." He shoots, looking at you right in the eye, looking almost unaffected, his words hitting you like a thousand knives.

"Are you serious right now?" You ask, feeling the tears threatening to spill. Dean just nods and you can't believe this is happening. "You really wanna do this?" All you get is another nod. "Fine." You turn your back at him and start walking away.

"Where are you going?" Dean asks after you.

"Away from you." You yell, pain flashing on his face. "I love you so much... How can you do this to me?" You reply, your voice breaking with each word. "When you realize what you just did, how much you've lost, don't come looking for me." Your words are killing him inside. All he wants is to run to you, hug you and tell you how much he loves you, but he can't. But the fatal shot is your next words. "You're dead to me now."

Dean Ambrose - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now