(Bad) Luck

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A couple of days ago, this stupid pipe on your bathroom decided to literally explode. You weren't at home at the time, so that supposedly harmless pipe ended up flooding your whole apartment, ruining lots of furniture and personal items, making it impossible to live there. Firstly, you had to get it all dried and cleaned up first, then buy new furniture, basically organize your home all over again.

Your apartment is across Dean Ambrose's, which is nothing more, nothing less than the guy you are madly in love with for what seems a century. Dean watched you panic over the situation, not judging you for a single second, because you literally had nowhere to sleep until the whole thing was sorted out, unless you stayed at some hotel. But it'd be too expensive. Way too expensive.

Your mind was drowning in all the problems that had suddenly appeared, when Dean, being the amazing person he is, offered you his spare bedroom. You really wanted to say no, but fuck... that was one less problem to take care of and you'd be close to watch the works in your apartment. Bad luck or good fortune? You couldn't really decide which one presented you with your current living situation.

So, you're currently on your third day crashing at Dean's place. Days one and two have gone by really smooth, nothing too embarrassing or awkward happening. But today, goddamn it... You don't know why, but you're so horny. You haven't felt this horny in a really long time. And it's getting pretty embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Usually it takes some foreplay to get you into business... But today, just looking at him doing random chores or saying ordinary stuff or walking around, just the fucking sight of him has you wet. As in really wet.

Have you pleasured yourself thinking of him? Yes. Multiple times. But now you're in his apartment, around him, surrounded by his stuff and it's really getting into your mind. You're trying so hard to get over it, to keep the thoughts of him touching you, making you moan, out of your mind... but you really are struggling to fight the urge to get into the bedroom and take matters in your own hands.

Thank God it was dinner time. You had dinner, cleaned up the kitchen and went for a shower. And that seemed to take some pressure off your mind, you went to bed, drifting off to sleep rapidly.

But that didn't mean you'd sleep peacefully, like a rock. Soon, your mind was wandering about the same subject. Guess you hadn't get over those thoughts, at all. You're having a vivid sexual dream with Dean. Fuck, it seemed so real.

You're dreaming of him touching all over your body, pleasuring you like no other ever could, making you moan endlessly and making him groan and kiss all over your naked body.

Everything was going on pretty well... Until you woke up, with someone shaking you slightly.

"Uh. Dean?" You ask, still half asleep and confused, trying to forget the thoughts that were running your mind just a few seconds ago. "Something wrong?"

"I... Uh. I was passing by... And I heard some noises coming from here... And..." He mumbles, rubbing the back of his head, not knowing how to approach the subject.

"Some... noises?" You gulp, feeling the most humiliated you ever felt.

"Uh... Yeah. I heard my name. And some... moans... I guess." Dean stutters, as he studies your face for some answers.

"I- I'm sorry." You don't know what to say. You feel utterly humiliated. You really didn't expect your subconscious' betrayal. It seemed so real, but you never thought you'd actually voice it. You never talked as you slept nor as you had dreams.

"Were you dreaming about me?" He asks softly, sitting down on the bed, facing you.

"Fuck." You mutter, avoiding his gaze. "Why are you asking? To make fun of me? Just... forget it. Forget it and go to sleep." You snap, you never felt this bad. You'd really appreciate a hole to hide yourself in, right now.

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