Telling her.

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You are sitting outside talking with Lana about the awesome movie you guys saw on the cinema the night before, you were giggling and gesturing, making Lana chuckle at your weird figures. Inside the building, Dean is looking through the window glancing at you. He just can't take his eyes off you.

'You're so fucking gorgeous. I wish you were mine.' Dean thinks to himself while he's chuckling at your dorky figures. 'Ahhh, screw it, I'm gonna tell her and I'm gonna tell her right now!'

Dean gets outside. You're still with Lana.

"Hi... (Y/N). Can I talk... to you for a minute?" Dean asks shyly.

"Hi Dean. Yeah sure, of course you can." You say, then turning to Lana. "I'll catch up with you later."

Lana winks at you and leaves.

"So... what's up? Is everything okay?" You say, now getting worried because Dean looks nervous.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's great. I just wanted to tell you something... And I don't know where to start. I guess I'll just say it and-" Your phone starts ringing and cuts him off.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dean, I need to take this, it's important, we'll talk later, okay?"

Dean nods and you leave.


'There she is, it's now or never, Dean.' Dean thinks, hitting his fists.

"Hey (Y/N). Do you think we can finish our conversation now?" Dean asks nervously.

"Hey Dean! I'm so so sorry, I have an appointment now and I'm already late! I promise we'll catch up tomorrow! I'm sorry!"

Dean nods and you leave. Again.

'Ah fuck this. Is this some kind of sign? Ugh.' Dean thinks to himself, very frustrated.


"Hey Dean!" You say.

"Hi (Y/N)."

"I'm so sorry about the other day. It seemed like I was dismissing you, but I wasn't, I was really busy, but now we can talk all you want. I'm all yours." You say smiling.

"Well, it's precisely about that that I want to talk to you."

"About that what?" You ask confused.

"About you... being all mine..." Dean seems very nervous and is speaking very shyly.

"Dean... what are you trying to say?" You can't believe he's saying what he's saying.

"(Y/N)... I like you... for a very long time. So, I want to know more of you... and ask you on a date..." He waits expectantly for your answer.

"Oh my god, Dean."

"Is that a good 'oh my god' or a bad 'oh my god'? I'm confused now."

"It's a good 'oh my god', I like you too. A lot."

"So... it's a 'yes'?" Dean asks grinning like a kid.

"No..." His face drops. "It's a 'hell yes'!"

You both stand there laughing, until you give a few steps forward and hug him.

"I'll pick you up at 7.30pm, is that okay?"

"It's more than okay. I'll see ya later." You say, then kissing his cheek, leaving him there caressing his slightly flushed cheek.

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