A night to remember

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You and Dean have split up a month ago. He was too stressed, he didn't trust you, although he said he did, he didn't and you decided it was best for both of you to have some time apart. Instead, you two really broke up. Dean didn't take the whole time-apart-to-think thing well, he thinks you are done with him for good, that he was right in not trusting you, that you never loved him but no... You're totally madly in love with him, but he never gave you the chance to explain yourself and make him see how much you love him.

Now it's a Thursday night. The girls (Paige, Nattie and Becky) invited you to go out with them to some bar, it seems that it's karaoke night there tonight. You don't really feel like going but you give in.

Becky: "So have you decided if you want to come or not? :)"

You: "Yeah, I'll go. :)"

Becky: "YAAS! Okay, I'll pick you up at 10pm. xo"

You: "I'll be waiting! xo"

You look at your phone's lock screen and... oh my god, it's already 9:10pm. So, you go take a quick shower, then you put on your favorite skinny jeans, a cute black top and black high heels. Then you apply some make up, nothing too exaggerated, just some mascara and lipstick. You give a slight touch on your hair, letting your brown waves cascading down your back and shoulders.

And it's 10pm already and Becky just got to your house, Paige and Nattie already in her car. You reach the bar fast, you are impressed, you never heard of it and it's so close to your house.

Once you get in the bar, you start looking around the place. It seems to be a very cool and peaceful place, people are having fun and seem to be nice. Until, you notice a certain someone sitting at the back in a corner... It's Dean, he's with Seth and Roman. Like always. He notices you and you turn your gaze away from him, but you can still feel his stare burning your body.

"Hey (Y/N), you okay? We can go if you want." Nattie says, patting you the back. Guess they already noticed the three guys too.

"No... No, I'm fine, let's stay." You give her a small smile.

Then, the four of you go sit in one of the couches around, Becky next to you and Paige and Nattie in front of you too.

*Meanwhile at Dean's table*

"Bro, you need to stop staring." Seth advices.

"I'm not staring." Dean replies.

"Yes, you are, bro." Roman gives him a disapproving look.

"Don't give me that look, Ro." Dean says, now looking at the beer in his hands.

"Oh I do give you this look. You're in this state because you want to. You were pressuring her like a lot, bro... And you know you were. She loved you, she ain't cheating, not ever... She only had eyes for you. She just wanted some time, and you broke it all with her." Roman shoots the truth bomb right at Dean.

Dean sighs, he knows Roman is right. As always.

"I ruined it... I always do." He sighs deeply. "I- I love her so much and I was so afraid of losing her that I pushed her away myself... I did trust her, the guys around her were the ones I didn't trust... I fucked it all up... And now look at her. She's in a bar, looking smokin' hot, and she doesn't give a damn about me... Probably came here looking for some fun..." Dean almost whispers, while playing with his beer.

"Dude, you don't believe a word you're saying... You know she loves you and you saw the way she looked at you earlier. Go on and get your girl."

"How? I ruined it... She'll never forgive me..."

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