Chapter 5

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"Rub." Ariel spoke with a shaky tone as we both looked at the phone vibrating on the counter. I debated in my head if I should answer it or not when I pressed the green button without understanding it. 

"Harry." I stated, hearing the rude boy chuckle on the other side. I sighed as I left Ariel in the kitchen to walk to my own room. I opened the door, the big king sized beg placed in the middle welcomed me. I watched myself in the corner of my eye through the massive mirror concealing my wardrobe. The massive bookshelf covered the other wall, I really liked my room and the soft red colour on the only visible wall, the one with the window and bed, really made my room look soft and cozy.

"What's up Rubs?" His husky voice spoke, rising some goosebumps over my body. I sat down on my bed, crossing me legs as I leaned down on the pile of pillows.

"Don't call me that, Harry." I spat. "What do you even want?" I wasn't really exited to speak on the phone with Harry but at the moment I was a bit curious why he was such an idiot. 

"You." He answered. The words struck my ear, making me shiver down my spine. As tempting that did sound I needed to remind myself Harry wasn't my taste, he was rude, acted like a child and just wanted me to be one of his friend with benefits. 

"Just stop it Harry." I sighed. "I really don't like you at all, you are rude and irritating so why do you keep talking to me? I thought I made it pretty obvious in the car."  I spoke before my mind could catch up on the words spoken by me. I waited for a reply but when I heard a tone I noticed Harry had hung up. I was a bit shocked, what did I do? I thought he would just make up a rude comment about me but I never thought be would just hang up like that. 

"Ruby, why can't I hear you speaking?" Ariel spoke from just outside the door. I threw a pillow at her when she entered the room with a concerned fake smile on her face. "What did he say?" She asked as she sat down on the bed opposite me. 

"He told me he wanted me and when I told him some facts about himself he just hung up." I told her, careful not to reveal the worry I felt towards the conversation. Ariel nodded with a blank expression on her face before she rose up, leaving the room without a word. What was going on?


I woke up at the sound of my alarm. I slammed my fist against in, making it fall down to the floor and stop making noises. I rose up from the bed, rubbing my eyes and unleashed my hair from the high ponytail I slept in. Walking to the bathroom I met Ariel, wrapped around her body was a towel and she had a tired smile on her face as she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. I walked to the bathroom, turning the shower on before stepping out of my knickers and lifted the baggy t-shirt over my head before throwing the clothes in to the laundry basket. I walked in to the shower, the hot water against my body felt so good. I did everything I needed to do in there, almost falling asleep standing up. 

After applying makeup and brushing my hair I walked over to the wardrobe. I picked out a pair of high waisted black jeans and tucked a champagne coloured shirt with a collar in them, feeling pretty happy about my simple work outfit. I grabbed my white converses before walking out of my room and in to the kitchen.

"I made coffee." Ariel whispered in her sleepy voice as I stepped in to the kitchen and straight to the coffee machine to pour myself a cup to go. I left in a hurry as I watched the clock, it was already ten minutes to nine and I started working at nine. 

I pulled up on the parking lot exactly nine and jogged my way to the store I could see from the massive parking lot. I walked in to the store, seeing Naomi standing behind the cash desk. Her pretty blond hair was down in waves and she was dressed in a beautiful, grey maxi dress with an over sized jean jacket thrown over her shoulders.

"Hi Naomi." I smiled at her before walking towards her. She greeted me with a hug before stepping away from the cash desk and out on the floor. We chatted a bit while she walked around on the floor, folding clothing items which people just threw back on the tables.

I heard the bell ring and watched the door open and placed a smile on my face as a greeting for who ever walked in through the door.

"You have got to be kidding with me." I sighed as I watched the mop of curls become visible from the door. His dark features moved gently towards the stairs without a glare at me, I really hoped he didn't notice me. "Naomi!" I yelled in a whisper as she strolled over. I watched Harry walk down the stairs leading to the men's section. 

"Yeah?" Naomi walked up to me, her thin body looking amazing with the dress. I looked straight in to her blue eyes as I started to think of a plan to not face Harry. 

"I'm going to buy some lunch at the store right to the left, I'll be back soon." I smiled and Naomi nodded, taking my place at the cash desk as I walked out of the Jack Wills store I had worked in for almost a year now. 

When I came back Naomi strolled around on the floor, folding some t-shirt with a smile on her face. The bell rang as I opened the door, making her head turn towards my direction. I took a long time getting my sandwich and a coke in the hope of Harry being gone when I came back.

"It there anyone here?" I asked as I took a seat on the chair behind the desk. Naomi came up to me, dragging the other chair to sit next to me. I didn't get an answer before I heard steps walk up the stairs and towards us. Great, Harry was still around. As I thought he came up the stairs, holding a couple of items in his hands and walked up to the desk, placing them there. Naomi looked up at me, waiting for me to walk up to the desk since I was at the desk today and she was out on the floor. I didn't want to explain everything to her so I just bit my lip and walked up to face him.

Harry smirked as I took what he had placed on the desk and started bleeping them to get the final price. 

"That will be 49 pounds." I spoke with a fake smile. "Anything else?" I spoke as Harry placed his money on the desk as I packed his things in one of the pretty Jack Wills bags. I took the money, handing him back his change with my eyes on the floor.

"What about another date?" He replied. I heard Naomi cough up her drink behind me as I sighed loudly. Now I had a lot of explanations to do.

"What about no." I said in a harsh tone, looking at him with annoyed brown eyes. "I don't understand you Harry." I spoke, handing him his receipt. He was quite for a moment, I hoped he was thinking about leaving but at this point I had understood that whatever I wanted just fired back at me.

"What is it that you don't understand?" He questioned.

"You." I sighed. "You are so complicated, one moment you are so amazing and kind and the next moment you are a complete idiot." I spoke, looking over at the curly boy in front of me. I really didn't want to make a scene in front of Naomi but I wanted to let Harry know that his behaviour towards me wouldn't be accepted. "Harry we can talk about this later, I'm working." I explained to a sighing boy. He nodded before sliding his receipt back on the desk.

"Toss it." He spoke. "I want to talk to you tonight." His husky voice was like music in my ears. No it wasn't, it was even better. I really was thinking about how I was losing it, I didn't like this boy at all, I knew that so well. How did small things about him affect me in a way I didn't know was possible then? 

I nodded towards him as he walked out of the store, leaving me alone with Naomi.

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