Chapter 9

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When I got home Ariel wasn't there so I began to cook food though it was only five o'clock. I finished the chicken an hour later but Ariel wasn't home yet. I ate alone with loud music playing from the speakers in the living room. After another hour Ariel still hadn't turned up so I decided to ring her, I was getting bit worried cause she got off from work at six as the latest and now it was over an hour since she had left work. 

"Where are you?" I spoke to the phone when it went to voice mail. I placed my phone on the coffee table before turning a movie on, lying myself stretched out on the sofa. 

I fell asleep quickly, not really understanding how tired I was before I pulled a blanket over my cold body. Since I hadn't gotten much sleep yesterday cause I talked to Harry to two in the morning. 

"Oh shit." A voice yelled out, waking me up from my dreadful sleep filled with nightmares. I walked up from the sofa and in to the kitchen where Ariel was standing with a broken bowl by her feet. "I'll fix it." She promised with her eyes on me. They were bloodshot and teared up, the mascara around them looking just as horrible as the rest of her. I turned around and buried my head in my hands and when I revealed my face again I noticed the clock, it was one in the morning. 

"Are you drunk?" I spat, looking at the brunette picking pieces of china from the floor. She didn't look up at me so I repeated my question, getting her attention.

"What if I am?" She muttered while she threw the china in to the trash can. I sighed, Ariel didn't get drunk often, sure she took a couple of drinks every now and then but not too many. Not like this. 

I walked over to her, careful not to step on any of the pieces on the floor. I grabbed her by her shoulders and lead her towards her room and she followed. I could feel how tired her body was, she was barley awake. 

"What happened?" I asked, knowing she wasn't just drinking casually on a Wednesday. Judging by her reaction it was the wrong question to ask cause her eyes turned black and she jerked herself out from my grip of her shoulders. 

"You are so fucking obnoxious Ruby!" She yelled and I looked confused at her. "So fucking oblivious." She muttered and took fast steps towards her room.

"What are you talking about?" I shouted after her. She stopped at the sound of my voice and turned around on her spot and began to walk over to me. An inch away from my face she stopped and with a hand pressed against my collarbone she breathed and  I could feel the vodka in her breath. 

"I warned you, didn't I? I told you to take it careful but you didn't fucking listen, cause you never listen. Do you, Ruby?" Ariel questioned with her eyes pierced on mine. I was pretty scared at the moment, she never acted like this and we never argued, I mean never. Never done in the year we had known each other and wouldn't have had if she hadn't been drinking today. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about Ariel." I promised. She sighed loudly, followed by laughter and her almost tripping on her own feet. When she regained balance she looked up at me, eyes darker than ever. 

"Ask Harry about me." She demanded before walking to her room, slamming the door shut behind her. I walked back to my room, crawled under the covers and shut the thoughts off. I didn't want to think about this right now, I needed to sleep this away. 


I talked to Ariel the following morning, she begged me for forgiveness  which she got straight away since I saw how sorry she was for causing a scene in the middle of the night. She confirmed that what ever she told me was just mumbling and she didn't mean any of it and she wasn't even sure what came out of her mouth really. 

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