Chapter 48

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When I unlocked the door to our place here on this beautiful island I noticed that the balcony door was open. I stepped out, seeing my jealous boyfriend lying in the sun on his stomach, black swimming trunks covering him up. 

"Hi." He murmured, probably hearing me stepping outside. 

"Hey." I spoke, sitting down on a chair a small distance away from him. "Are we going to solve this now?" I wondered as I tried to keep my stomach quiet from screaming for food. 

"Let's take this inside." He said and I nodded, joining him and closed the balcony door. "I just want you to know I don't think it's okay, whether you think I'm too jealous or not. I don't like seeing you with other boys and I need you to respect that and don't be to intimate with them, even when I'm not around. Okay?" He spoke in a calm voice, just looking me deep in the eye with his wonderful glare. I couldn't be mad at him for longer than it took for him to really get me to look in to his beautiful eyes. The wonderful voice together with his eyes and I was all his again.

"Okay." I nodded. I just wished he could let me be a adult not a child sometimes.

"Good." He smiled, stepping closer to me. Our lips collided and I know though it was only this morning I had last tasted his lips, I had missed it like nothing before. "Let's go for dinner, I can feel your stomach screaming." He giggled. 

"I need to change and take a shower first. Tony took me and Kayla climbing up a mountain and then going bungee jumping so I'm not exited to eat dinner smelling like a cow." I joked, stepping out of my shoes and my clothes before walking in to the bathroom. Harry just walked with me and closed the door to the bathroom when we both stood inside. "I'm going to take a shower, Harry." I murmured.

"I know, you told me." He smiled.

"Er, why are you here then?" I wondered uncomfortably. 

"I'm taking a shower, too." He said and took his swimming trunks off and stepped inside of the shower, turning the water on. 

"Alright." I whispered more to myself than to him. Not knowing what else to do I stepped out of my clothes. unhooked my bra and stepped out of my underwear and joined Harry in the shower. He looked amazing with his tanned skin and wet curls just lying around his head all messy. His tanning line was really starting to show by now, but I couldn't laugh at him cause mine was even worse. 

"How was bungee jumping then? Your brother is a bit odd, taking you with him going so cool things." He winked, letting me know he was joking which I could already tell by him speaking in that tone. 

"Scary, but it was amazing whilst you was flying in the sky. You should try it sometime." I kissed him on the cheek, reaching for the shampoo. Applying it to my hair made the whole room smell like fruit, a wonderful smell. 

"I guess we're all going for dinner then?" He asked, smiling so I guessed he didn't mind. Odd.

"I guess so, this trip was about getting to know each other after all so it wouldn't be fair to be separating ourselves from the group." I murmured as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair before applying conditioner. 

"I guess so." He mimicked me with a smirk gracefully placed on his lips. 

Sometimes just looking at Harry made me a bit confused. I had met him at a party just months ago, really not liking him from the start at all but what could I do? This boy had a charm I couldn't resist and even though he was horrible at times, the good moments made me see past the bad moments. He was truly devoted to this relationship, and to me. It was something new and exiting and I know that knowing that he chose me to be with and to care about and to be jealous about made me feel special. I needed, in a way, to feel special after all of this. Ariel was out of my life and now I had a new life with a boyfriend and amazing new friends. I just hoped Harry could be the best person he could manage to be every day. 


Going out to dinner wasn't that big of a deal really, but for Kayla it was. She had already decided that from now on she would dress beautifully (like she already didn't) and look as perfect as possible just to annoy Tony as much as she could so he would just tell her he wanted a relationship with her after all this time. I was really exited about the idea so I just sat there in the couch in Kayla and Tony's place getting ready myself as Kayla tried on dress after dress, showing them all to me for approval. Everyone looked amazing on her cause she had this body that looked good in everything. 

"Decide for me, will you Rub?" She begged, looking down on the floor where she had dropped all of the dresses she had tried on. I looked down at the pile, closing my eyes and picked the first dress I reached for and handed it to her.

"This one." I said with a smile.

"That's not fair, you didn't chose that one because it was the best dress." She sighed but seemed pretty happy with the fact that I just had handed her the dress she seemed most eager about. It was a champagne coloured dress with black detailing, I had a similar one but if I could have I would have had her dress instead. 

"Just wear it." I smiled, powdering my face. "I'm gonna go change at my place and then I will be back." Kayla nodded and I stepped out of the bungalow.

Since we all lived next door with each other it took me a minute to step in to the dress I had already chosen, which was a tight, baby blue dress with white sides and straps together with white wedges and since Harry was already done and drinking beers at Louis and Niall's place I just shut the lights off and closed the door, strolling over to Kayla again. 

She opened the door, ready to go. We had all decided that when we had finished getting ready we would all meet at Louis and Niall's, which was the bungalow in the middle of all of ours. 

"And tell me again why you chose my best friend instead of me?" Louis sighed as he hugged me, a clear compliment from the cheeky boy. 

"Well, Harry would probably murder you if he ever found out that you said that." I laughed, stepping inside to find out we were the last to arrive.

"Surprise to see the ladies arriving last." Liam joked. 

"Better to be late than to be ugly." Kayla stepped in, making Tony's face drop just as she had wished. I smiled at my brother, awkward as he is he would really make a good boyfriend for Kayla.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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