Chapter 12

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Ariel woke me up by sitting down on the bed, her tired eyes watching me slowly wake up. I wasn't sure how to act towards her since she made Harry act like an idiot towards me yesterday but I wanted an explanation from her. 

"Explain." I demanded and Ariel nodded. 

"I didn't mean for him to act the way he did towards you last night. I just told him that I never thought he would do the boyfriend and girlfriend thing and he had no idea what I talked about so I just told him you two made a cute couple." She sighed and I looked at her when she talked. I couldn't be mad at her, she did nothing wrong. 

"It's okay." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Ariel who did the same to me. 

"I almost forgot, he wanted you to call him as soon as you woke up." She said and looked down at my confused expression. "Harry." She explained and I nodded, I wasn't that good in the mornings. She left me alone to make my call and I did, feeling pretty nervous about it. I didn't want him to yell at me. 

"Hi." He spat in a harsh tone. This was going to turn out great. "I wanna see you." He said and I just nodded to myself, walking out of the bed and in to the wardrobe. 

"When?" I asked as I stepped in to a pair of jean shorts.

"Now, can I come over?" His deep voice spoke. I confirmed it before throwing the sleeping t-shirt away and pulled a black tank top over my head. I walked out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen, hearing Ariel call my name.

"I'm going to see Katie now, I'll be back tonight." She smiled and walked out of the door, leaving me alone before Harry came over. I walked back in to my room with a cup of coffee, pulling my black straight hair up in a bun  and applied some mascara before I heard a knock at the door. 

I opened it, seeing Harry outside. He wasn't looking at me but just kept his eyes on the floor and walked in as soon as I got out of the way. 

"So, do you have anything to say?" I asked since ha hadn't even looked at me since he walked in through the door and since it was him who wanted to talk to me I wasn't going to apologize cause I didn't do anything wrong. 

"You can't just go around telling people whatever you want." He warned. I wasn't sure where this conversation was going but knowing both me and Harry were stubborn this was probably not going anywhere.

"If you take me on dates I will probably assume that we are dating." I explained. "I understand why you don't want me as you girlfriend but you could at least spare me the humiliation." I sighed, clutching my fist. 

He did really hurt me, I don't think he understands that himself. He humiliated me in front of people and the words he said broke me in to pieces. I don't want to admit it but I was starting to fall for him and hearing him say he just wanted to have sex with me made me want to rewind time and never forgive him. 

"I didn't mean what I said." His deep voice spoke, making me turn my attention from the floor to the intensity of his eyes. "I didn't just want to have sex with you." He confessed. I almost laughed for myself there, he was a pretty good actor after all. 

"Then why did you say so?" I wondered.

"To get under your skin." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Please forgive me, I wanna try this with you." He begged, taking my hand in his. I didn't like this, I really didn't like it at all. Knowing myself the way I did I knew I would take him back, I would forgive him and pretend everything is okay but he will do this again. Ariel warned me, I should listen to her. 

"Why do people warn me about you?" I said, sighing loudly against my wrist since my hand supported my head to stay up. 

"Cause I'm no good for you. Look at you, making something with your life. I don't give a shit about mine, I'm not good for you." He confessed. "That doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you, because I do. I've never been somebodies boyfriend, not in my entire life but we could change that. You make me laugh Rubs, nobody makes me as happy as you do. I've changed for you, you don't know that cause you didn't know me before but I can tell you who I was. I've never really cared until I met you, earlier I was getting drunk whenever I could, smoking, driving drunk, shagging, not ever bothering to take care of myself at all, cause nobody cared. Not a single person cared about me but I know you do and I like that. I like you. I'm so sorry." He spoke, tearing my heart in to tiny pieces.

I didn't realize that I was crying until Harry used his thumb to remove the falling mascara from my cheeks.

"I forgive you." I sobbed, wiping my cheeks with paper that was placed on the island. I smiled towards Harry who smiled back, the pretty dimples popping out of his cheeks.

He was so pretty, he made me insane and happy and he was beautiful. I had so many mixed feelings about him and I didn't know which one to obey but right now I just wanted to kiss him and call him mine. The words he had spoken to me made me cry, I never cried. I wasn't raised to show weakness, my father was pretty obvious with that weakness was something that you should never show, ever.

He placed a kiss on my lips and I had missed the cold taste of cherries on my lips. Though it was just last night I kissed him the last time, knowing that I wasn't probably going to be able to kiss him again made me want to kiss him even more. 

His lips moved so well together with mine, like we were made for each other. He tangled my black hair between his fingers and since it was up in a bun he had to drag small pieces out but I didn't care. His other hand gripping my cheek. I shivered at his touch, I never wanted him to let go. 

I moved my fingers through his curls, it felt amazing having him here with me, on good terms. I kissed him like it was the last time I would ever get to see him and that's when I realized I was in up to my knees with him. He controlled my happiness, he drove me crazy, he could make me feel amazing, he could do whatever he wanted and he wanted me. Me. 

Slowly we broke the kiss, pecking each other lips repeatedly before sitting up straight on the stools. 

"Rubs?" Harry spoke and I looked over to him. 

"Yeah?" I smiled at him, seeing him rise up from the stool. He stopped right in front of me, taking both of my hands in his, kissing the knuckles before looking me in to my brown eyes. He smiled, making me return the beautiful gesture. 

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He spoke, trying not to smile. I however didn't mind smiling my face off at his question while I nodded like an idiot. I wanted to be his girlfriend, of course I did. 

"Yes." I smiled, receiving a cherry tasting kiss pressed against my lips. I kept the kiss going, holding his curls in my hands. I was probably going to regret this but right now I didn't care at all. 

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