Chapter 36

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Harry cuffed my hands together with the bed and did the same with my legs. I lied exposed for him to do whatever he wanted, I was all his.

He trailed kisses down my stomach, his tongue meeting my sex which made me jerk my back upwards but the strong grip of the handcuffs prevented me. His warm tongue was soft, making me feel better than I had in years.

I moaned his name out as loud as I could, the screaming satisfying him cause I felt him press his tongue rougher against my sex. My arms and legs were going numb, but I quite liked it. I never in my life thought I would be able to do this but I am capable of this, at least in a tipsy condition.

"Tell me how good I make you feel." He spoke as he took a breath and it was such confident in his voice. 

"I've never felt this good." I promised, trying to grab his hands but to realize that I was stilled cuffed to the bed.

Harry moved his hands up, rubbing circles on the hot skin of my stomach as he kissed his way up, licking my newly shaved skin. I heard him reach for his pants, pulling out a condom which he placed on his erection in a fast speed. When he was eye level he moved his hand down and inserted his erection inside of me. I tried to pull back, I wasn't used to the pain which was still something that accrued when we had sex, which had only happened once before. 

I took deep breaths as he began to move inside of me, it was a good feeling indeed. I looked at him and it was by far the greatest view in the whole word. The messy curls even messier when he thrusts hard in and out of me, the squeezed shut eyes and the whole face showing what pleasure looks like. He was so beautiful and in this state he was even more beautiful, if that was even possible.

"I like how you get so wet for me." He murmured and in the way he spoke to me made me go all crazy inside. It wasn't just the words that fell perfectly out of his lips while he moved inside of me, it was the way he said it in that sexy voice he only used when he did stuff like this to me. 

He was pretty weird and I would've never thought he would be the guy who liked this sort of sex but in a way, I do too. I have no experience on this level at all, the things I know about sex is what people had told me, I hadn't even watched a film about it, it would've felt wrong. This however, turned me on more than I thought was possible. The way I felt him inside of me, the way his hands gripped the bed as he tried not to come already and the way he moaned my name.

"Does this feel good?" He whispered in to my ear, nipping at the skin. He slowly thrusts in and out of me in the roughest way yet. I nodded firmly, trying so bad to reach his curls but the handcuffs stopped me. It was something about me not getting to him that made me want him anymore, making me enjoy this way more than I thought I would.

Maybe this was my thing too, the kinky handcuff sex. It would've never struck my mind if it wasn't for Harry and deep down I know that I just want this to happen with him and no other man. He was the only one I wanted to make me feel this way, craving but fully pleasured. 

"Come for me, baby." He murmured in to my skin, moving faster in and out of me.

I adjusted my hips as much as the handcuffs connecting my legs to the bed allowed me to, making him hit the spot I've learned to love.

He palmed my breast, twirling my nipple around his index finger and thumb. He lowered his face, sucking gently on my nipple as I came undone from his actions. He smirked as he met my eyes, hearing me moan his name out loud. 

He made himself come by moving hard inside of me, shouting my name as he spilled in to the condom he later threw in the trash.

He sat up on the bed, messing his hair up. The just-fucked hair soothed him so well. 

"Can't find the key." He murmured, his voice the only thing letting me know where he was in the pitch black room. "Can I turn the lights on for a moment?" He wondered.

"Sure." I answered. Harry's steps allowed me to hear him walk up to the door, next to it was the button lightening the roof light up.

The whole room lit up and I was totally exposed to him as he walked back to the drawer, not moving his eyes away from me. I lied there, tied up like a cross, exposing literally every inch of my body thanks to the handcuffs spreading my legs. 

"I could get used to this view." He smirked, locking my handcuff up. He continued to unlock the rest of the metal that held me in place. He kissed every inch of my soft skin, moving his hands up and down my bare body. I felt my cheeks flush but tried my hardest not to reveal my face until Harry had walked over and switched off the lights.

He handed me his black t-shirt which I threw on, covering my torso and smelling the beautiful smell that is Harry's made me happy. He made the room go black with one movement and suddenly I could barley see anything. 

"Do you listen to Kodaline?" Harry's voice was deeper than every.

"Yes, I do." I smiled though he could not see me. "They have to be my favorite band. Have you listened to the lyrics? It's amazing how they do that, turn heartbreaking stories in to music." I whispered as I heard Harry move his fingers over something and then 'All I Want' by the band we were just talking about blurted out of the surround system he had in his room. 

He snuggled in to bed with me, wrapping his arms around my torso as he pressed my behind against his front.

With his face in my hair I felt how his finger trailed over the black hair, twirling it around in his fingers that had just been making me feel as though I could be with him forever. I want to do that; be with him forever. He has made my life so much better and all this under a couple of weeks. 

"They have got to be my favorite band too." His husky voice whispered right in to my ear, sending shivers down my spine as I moved my hand to his curls, feeling them between my fingers. 

This was just what I wanted. I wanted this perfect happiness with Harry, where we could be doing whatever and then just going to this mentally calm state and just move our fingers in each others hair, listening to Kodaline, not caring about tomorrow. 

This is how I picture my life to be. Feeling like it will be okay and having Harry nearby to support me. I know he isn't really doing anything at the moment but it's the way he is holding me that makes me feel so comfortable.

I just want to turn around and kiss him. Kiss him pretty lips and be reminded that those lips belong to me and mine belongs to his. Damn.

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