Chapter 14

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I woke up to the smell of coffee. I was alone in Harry's bed but the smell of him was planted in the covers so I knew yesterday wasn't a dream. I rose up, adjusting the black t-shirt Harry wore yesterday which he gave me to sleep in. I liked how it smelled so much like him, I loved the smell of him.

"Hi Rubs." Harry smiled towards me, trying to place a kiss on my lips but I turned my face so he kissed me on the cheek. His worried expression was noticeable as the eyes looked like I just died in front of him and the brows furrowed.

"Morning breath." I explain, watching him calm down as I went to my bag placed in the sofa and grabbed my tooth brush.

"Leave it here." Harry said. His morning voice was so more husky then it was in the day which left me breath taken just by hearing him speak. The feeling was increased by the fact that he was standing without a shirt on, in just his plain black boxers.

"Why?" I wondered.

"You are going to spend a lot of time here, it's okay we can buy you a new one today." He smiled and I chuckled. He was really serious about this and I loved every moment with him since he made me so happy.

I walked in to the bathroom which I didn't visit yesterday. The massive room was provided with a large bathtub and a shower in one and a massive mirror with two sinks under it. I placed my bag on the toilet, picking out makeup removers and my toothbrush. Since I remembered to pack a fresh set of underwear I decided that when I had removed my makeup and brushed my teeth I would go take a shower. Harry wouldn't mind.

The hot body relaxed my muscles, I reached for the shampoo and applied it to my hair, the scent of apples filling the whole room up. I finished showering, wrapping a towel that hanged on the metal hangers next to the shower around my body.

I unlocked the door and walked out with my bag hanging on my shoulder. Harry wasn't in the kitchen so I walked to his room to change and then find out where he was. I didn't need to look for him cause he was sitting on his bed with a mug in one hand and a book in the other.

"Have you read this one?" He asked, holding up a book which Ariel bought me the other day.

"No, actually Ariel bought it for me the other day. I haven't gotten the chance to read it yet but I will though. What about it?" I said, pulling the towel harder around my body.

"You'll understand when you read it." He chuckled. I left it there, knowing he wouldn't tell me and he made me wanna read the book even more.

"I'm going to get dressed." I informed Harry who was still sitting on the bed.

"Okay." He smiled and took a sip of his coffee. I sighed before I walked towards him, dragging him from the bed and towards the door.

"You can't be in here when I change." I chuckled before closing the door. I heard Harry laugh on the other side of the door before I removed the towel from my body and stepped in to my knickers and hooked my bra around my stomach before pulling it over my breasts. I stepped in to the shorts and pulled the blue jumper over my head before pulling my hair up to a bun to dry.

When I walked out of Harry's room his was still just in his boxers, cooking breakfast for us both I guess since it was so much food. I got plates and glasses from the cabinet and picked out juice from the fridge and set the table while Harry finished the French toasts, bacon and eggs.

"Thank you Harry." I spoke when he placed the food on my plate. I ate in silence, letting Harry talk about some thing Louis and he did a long time ago. He was a good cook, he made this easy things taste really good and different.

"Let's go to the store then." Harry smiled as he took my plate together with his and put them in the dishwasher.

"Now?" I spoke, seeing the almost naked boy head for his room. I joined him since I needed to put on a bit of mascara before I left the house for people to be able to look at me and not want to vomit.

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