Chapter 29

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(I suggest you at least read the last part of this cause it's rather important to the story. 

I love you all, keep commenting please.)

The cherry was the thing I've missed most, the amazing taste of his lips drove me crazy. The cold wall came unnoticed by me when I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist, allowing him to kiss me on the neck. I trialed my fingers down to his crotch, feeling the erection grow underneath my touch. It was wonderful knowing I could make him feel like this. 

"Do you really want to?" He murmured in to my skin. I nodded, pulling his curls tighter around my fingers. "Alright." He breathed. He led my hand back to his belt, wanting me to unbuckle it. I did so, letting his pants fall down to the floor. He stepped out of them, walking us back to the bed with me still holding on with my legs to his waist. 

He lied me down on the bed, moving the duvet away for us to crawl under. I spread my legs for him to lie in between, his erection hard against my sex as he lied down.

"You're still sure about this?" He murmured again. I nodded to confirm that I was. I was ready to give myself to him, I wasn't drunk anymore, just a bit tipsy, but it was what I needed to get through this. 

"I love you. I want this, okay?" I whispered in to his skin. He kept on kissing my neck, resting on his elbows. He moved his hands down from my collarbone to my stomach, rubbing circles with his long fingers. He moved farther down, brushing his fingers against the sensitive skin, making me pull my back up in pleasure. 

"You are already so wet for me." He smirked while his fingers tucked my knickers down my legs. I kicked them off, throwing them to the side. Harry lied down after he took his boxers off, his erection naked against my bare lower region. "I'm gonna try two fingers now." He murmured in to the skin belonging to my neck. Before I could agree or disagree he had already pushed the fingers inside of me. A loud moan escaped my lips as I pulled my back up in pleasure again. He was the only one who could make me feel this way.

He teased me a little with his fingers before slowly pulling them out. He demanded for me to open my eyes which I did, my sight not blurry as before. 

"I need you to promise me that if it hurts too much you have to tell me to stop." His voice was strong.

"I promise." I smiled lightly. Harry nodded, his curls bouncing on his head. He lied down properly again. I watched how he reached for his pants, pulling out his wallet to retrieve a plastic package and within a second I felt something hard behind pushed inside of me. It went better than I thought it would, still a bit painful but it felt good together with the satisfaction. 

"Dammit, you're so tight." He whispered, moving his hips in a slow rhythm. "Is it okay?" He murmured in between thrusts. I nodded. 

It was like an instinct when my hips moved in circles, meeting his. It increased both the pain and the pleasure though looking at Harry made me see how much he enjoyed it. It was worth the pain I felt right now. 

I had never known how my name tasted until it was moaned in to my mouth.

Harry made everything so extremely sexy, he made the pain go away after a while and now it was only pleasure. I moaned loudly as he moved wonderfully inside of me, doing stuff to me I didn't think was possible. If I could have one wish it would be to never end this. 

Harry kissed my neck, collarbone, stomach and I felt how he slowly left me but it wasn't for long. His tongue teased me slowly, licking and sucking harshly. I moaned loudly, knowing if he continued with this I would be flying up in the sky within seconds. 

"You taste amazing." He breathed, licking faster and almost throwing me over the edge. I felt his fingers on the inside of my thigh, trailing their way to work with his tongue. They were pressed inside of me. I moaned even louder when the speed of the fingers moved together with his tongue and under a short minute I came undone by his touch, receiving two orgasms after one another. 

Harry kept on kissing his way up to my neck. I felt his erection taking the emptiness his fingers left me with and started moving. His hips moved faster, rougher and it all felt so good, too good to be true. 

I moved my fingers to his back, pulling him closer to me and burring my fingers in his skin. 

"Oh fuck." He said as I bit his earlobe, moving my fingers down his back before kissing him briefly on his neck. "I'm going to come." He whispered, moving his hips faster and rougher again. I moaned louder as Harry palmed my breast, feeling my nipple between his index finger and thumb. 

He came undone moments later, moaning my name for the world to hear. I didn't care if someone heard us, I would've if I was completely sober. I think the happy feeling the alcohol made me a bit more confident and helped me get through this without feeling to awkward about showing my body like I normally was. 

Harry lied down next to me, allowing me to rest my head on his chest. He threw the condom on the trash can at the table where I did my makeup. He should play basketball cause it was quite the distance. 

I felt his heart beat when I lied my head down on his chest which slowly rose just to fall down again. He was beautiful, and he was mine. I had just lost my virginity to my boy and  I didn't regret it. I never thought I would cause even if Harry would break up with me some day I loved him right now and it felt right in this moment, so I had nothing so be sad about. 

"I love you." promised Harry. I looked up at him, resting myself on my elbows as my stomach brushed the bed. He had his just-fucked hair, looking extremely sexy with it. His green eyes had regained the sparkle I had missed so much. 

"I love you twice as much." I smiled back. Even though I did know that I would be the one most emotionally involved in this relationship I didn't mind. He loved me, I knew that, and as long as he did love me we could survive it all. 

Harry just chuckled at my response, whispering something I didn't hear but he refused to repeat it. He didn't gave in after ten minutes of complaining about him not telling me so I finally rested my head on his chest and felt my eyelids become heavy. 

Minutes passed but I just could not fall asleep, nor could Harry cause I could hear him talking. He didn't know I was awake since my eyes were shut and I was slowly breathing but it made it even better knowing he spoke to me when I was asleep.

"I don't even deserve you." He whispered not to wake me even though I was still awake. "You are so beautiful and I don't even think you realize it. It's insane how much I love you even though this whole shit has gone so fast. These nine days without you were the worst, I couldn't even walk out of the house cause everything reminded me of you. I slept on the sofa cause the bed reminded me of you, every fucking thing reminded me of you. If I ever lost you I would probably not bare with this whole shit. I'm not even a good boyfriend but here you are taking me back over and over again even though I hurt you. I know I do. I just love you so much and I'm not quite sure how to act in a relationship, you know how my last went. It was actually how every relationship I ever had went; to hell. I've done some bad stuff, Rubs, but I'm not doing them anymore cause you changed me. I was just afraid of being changed, afraid of loosing the wall I built up for myself all these months. I'm willing to change, for you though and only you. You are the only exception and will probably always be the only exception. I love you so much." He smiled, I could hear it in his voice. 

I fought well to keep the tears in, happy tears was something new. He was so perfect and he was mine, just mine and nobodies but mine. I was so in love, so deeply involved in this relationship and I would probably end up with a broken heart at one point but I didn't care. I, Ruby Alice Diao loved Harry Edward Styles.

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